As a Life Long and Suffering Chicago Bears Fan I'm always Happy when the Pack gets their Butts handed to them. the only time I root for the Packers is when they Play the Vikqueens
Been a Packer fan since 1966. The Seahawks won fair n square. At least this year the scab refs didn't GIVE the game to Seattle like they did a little while back. The pack will be pack lol.
us wankers are a whole lot happier than you wankers , with a liberal government .
ours has all but stopped the boats pouring into our country , and hell robb so far the liberal government has only broken a couple of election promises
but with our strong labour (lazy ass bludgers ) bitchin and whinging , young tony abbot is about as popular as a turd at a pool party....
but he is fixing labours f!@# ups
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