How would you rate the 6.8 SPC on Plains game and "small" African game?

Ridge Runner

AH legend
Mar 23, 2017
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East Cape, South Africa, Zimbabwe
Any opions on using a 120 or 130 grain, 6.8 SPC caliber (same bullet diameter as the 270, in an oversized .223 case) on PG?

Over Memorial Day weekend, one of the 16 weapons solen from my home was my 6.8 SPC, Thompson Center, Encore pistol.

I'm considering getting another 6.8 SPC either another T/C Encore or in an AR style (or 1 of each). If I choose to get another Encore, I'm considering taking it to Africa, ballistically it would seem to be good for most antelope, baboon, and other small critters.
First of all, really sorry to hear about the theft! Truly hope some or all are recovered.

What velocity are you getting with a 130 gr bullet? The .270 is an adequate caliber for most plains game - particularly with 140 or 150 gr bullets. My concern with the 6.8 is that it was designed to perform best with 110 or 120 at moderate velocity from an AR platform. With the “heavy” 130 gr bullet from an even shorter barrel, I would be concerned about penetration and a 120 would be worse.

But I’ll admit that I am not a huge fan of a lot of these new short, moderate velocity creations. Take them out of an AR and most are a step backward in performance when compared to the equivalent standard configuration cartridge in the same caliber. Though perhaps they are a good choice for applications like the encore.
People I have talked to say on feral hogs it works well, but a friend couldn’t seem to get a hog to stay down with only one shot.
If you are only using it on say impala up to blesbok, maybe warthog, it should work OK.
Or if your going on a strictly night critter hunt it should work fine.

But me, if I’m spending my funds for another trip to Africa on a long miserable flight, I want something big enough that if I’m out in the bush and a 36” eland appears, I can shoot it with confidence that I’m not risking $2,500 with an inadequate cartridge.
JMO and believe me it can easily happen!
Red Leg,

The 130 grain, Hornady, flies around 2200 fsp.

As far as animals, small night critters, baboon, blesbuck, impala, springbuck, tiny ten, jackals, and monkey are what I'm limiting the 6.8 to, out of a 12-15 inch pistol barrel or a 20-22 inch rifle barrel.

Anything else, I'll use my 30-06 or .375 H&H.

Ridge Walker,

If warthog or bushpig is on my list I'll be using either 30-06, or .375 H&H if eland, hartebeest, or wildebeest, is also on that same list.

I've never been a fan of the .223/5.56 cartridge. I like the .243 for groundhogs, but not for deer.
They seem to work with mixed results on feral hogs here down in Texas.
PS : Sorry about your theft. A lost gun is like a lost limb :(
That is really too bad about the theft. I'm assuming home insurance covers it?

I'm usually the guy who says don't over gun and shoot poorly. Rather get a caliber you know and shoot comfortably and just make good shots.

In this case I would say it's a little too soft. Especially for Africa. Yes your good on warthogs, tiny 10 etc. But none of the larger PG. I can tell you first hand I was drilling African animals with 212 grain bullets out of a 300 win mag behind the shoulder only to watch them run 100 yards. Double lung etc and they still ran. So the rest of my trip I realized I. Not saving meat here so I started shooting them all on the high shoulder to just drop them. These are some incredibly tough animals. And I don't think the SPC would have enough kick to break that shoulder and cause the terminal damage to drop that animal as quickly as possible. And seeing how they react to double lung shots I'd be even more concerned after seeing them take my 212s.

If you like the 6.8 bullet offering the 270 and 270wsm are great calibers. If recoil is of concern 7mm-08 is great, 6.5 creedmoor is great, 260 very similar to the creedmoor.
Main problem will arise if the ammo does not make it with the rifle....

I agree, I doubt I could find 6.8 SPC ammo anywhere other than here in the US.


Unless I'm using a Barnes TTSX or TSX bullet and within a questionable 80 yards, until I am confident with what the 6.8 SPC is capable of taking, thus my original post asking for any information from AH members who have used the 6.8 SPC on game.

I have dies for .243 and 6.8 SPC. Since I don't favor the .243 for deer size game, even though a lot of deer have been taken with a .243. I am thinking the 6.8 SPC might be good for smaller/light skin PG that wouldn't cause a lot of damage to the hide for a full body mount, i.e. a jackal and baboon.

Recoil is no problem as I'm prepping for my 2020 RSA hunt and deer, bear and hog seasons, thus shooting 40-60 rounds of .458 Win Mag, 60-80 rounds of .375 H&H, and 50-60 rounds of 30-06 per trip to the range, usually two trips per week.

I like the 7mm-08. I had it in an Encore pistol with 10 inch barrel. I regret selling that pistol. That's why I purchased the 6.8 SPC on deal I couldn't refuse as the 30-06 barrel was included, of course a spare barrel requires it's own frame so I purchased a second frame.
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First let me say how bad it makes me feel to hear of the theft of your firearms...I hope they find their way home to you.

Second, the 6.8SPC should be fine for the smaller antelope at ranges to 300 yards with 130-140gr bullets from a 20" barrel.
Need about 800-1000 ft-lbs of energy at the target range.
Range time with a chrono can sort that out for you.

If you are starting fresh and like the 6.8mm calibers, why not go long action with a 270WIN?
Or stick with the other two calibers you mentioned, 30-06 and 375H&H (classic African 2 gun safari battery).
Both excellent calibers, commonly available ammunition and there are no questions about any game out to 350 yards.
I'm definitely not one of those Weatherby "nut-swingers" that think velocity trumps all; but the 6.8 SPC with 130gr bullets is severely lacking in it for medium size and large game IMO; so much so that most monolithic bullets probably wouldn't even open at 200 yards. If I did hunt with 6.8spc, it would be with 110 grain bullets at 2700fps, but considering that a 25-06 will do 3300 FPS with the same weight bullet, you have to wonder why anyone would limit themselves by using the 6.8spc for hunting.

And you mentioned AR platform; be mindful that you won't be able to take that to Africa.

The dilemma when hunting Africa, is that you might be out hunting for a Baboon and run into a trophy Kudu. You might be out in the bush with your 6.8SPC looking for a duiker, and run across a massive waterbuck at 200 yards. You may think you are going out every morning hunting 1 animal like we do in the US and Europe, but that is not the case in Africa; Every time you step off the bakie with your rifle, you are potentially hunting many different animals between 30 pounds and 2,000 pounds. That is why a versatile cartridge like 7mm/308/30-06/300 mag is so coveted for plains game hunting, and why most consider the .270win to be a minimum.
I'm definitely not one of those Weatherby "nut-swingers" that think velocity trumps all; but the 6.8 SPC with 130gr bullets is severely lacking in it for medium size and large game IMO; so much so that most monolithic bullets probably wouldn't even open at 200 yards. If I did hunt with 6.8spc, it would be with 110 grain bullets at 2700fps, but considering that a 25-06 will do 3300 FPS with the same weight bullet, you have to wonder why anyone would limit themselves by using the 6.8spc for hunting.

And you mentioned AR platform; be mindful that you won't be able to take that to Africa.

The dilemma when hunting Africa, is that you might be out hunting for a Baboon and run into a trophy Kudu. You might be out in the bush with your 6.8SPC looking for a duiker, and run across a massive waterbuck at 200 yards. You may think you are going out every morning hunting 1 animal like we do in the US and Europe, but that is not the case in Africa; Every time you step off the bakie with your rifle, you are potentially hunting many different animals between 30 pounds and 2,000 pounds. That is why a versatile cartridge like 7mm/308/30-06/300 mag is so coveted for plains game hunting, and why most consider the .270win to be a minimum.

May 2020, will be my third trip to South Africa. This third trip is for hippo, eland and gemsbuck. For these three animals I'll be using my .375 H&H, with 300 grain softs and solids, (and/or my .458 Win Mag, with 500 grain softs/ solids, for hippo).

The 6.8 SPC is for SPECIFIC GAME. AS OTHER, if any, animal(s) BIGGER THAN BLESBUCK on my list WOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN KILLED USING 30-06, .375 H&H, or .458WM.

My 6.8 SPC, 130 grain Hornady SST loads have a velocity of +/- 2250 fps, BC 0.460, SD 0.242, bullet diameter 0.277. At 100 yards, out of a 15 inch barrel pistol mounted with 2-10(?) x 32(?), Simmons pistol scope, 10 rds, 2-2 1/2 inch groups.

BALLISTICS: from ballistic calculator:

@100 yds: velocity: 2057 fps
energy: 1221 ft lbs

@200 yds: velocity: 1892 fps
energy: 1033 ft lbs

@300 yds: velocity: 1736 fps
energy: 870 ft lbs

Hornady recommends a minimum of 1800 fps for proper bullet function.

The concept is to minimize damage to a hide(s) for full body mount(s).
Yet know I have enough gun for the job.

Killing paper is one thing, humanely and quickly killing an animal is something else. Having no first hand experience as to what this caliber and bullet is fully capable of killing or what kind of exit hole/damage to light skin game it can do. Thus, why I created the original posts.
Ridge Runner, I have 2 AR's chambered in 6.8 SPC II, one is a 16" Stag Arms and the other a recent PSA 18" upper.
Using the Stag, I've shot 2 raccoons, one possum and a large boar feral hog. I was using the Federal 90 grain white box round. The biggest raccoon was maybe 15 lbs, the other around 10 lbs, both were in rough shape with shoulder shots (that Gold Dot round seems destructive on small stuff). The big hog ran off with a behind the shoulder shot, found it the next morning about 200 yards away. Should have head shot it. My mistake. The PSA upper I may use for a whitetail doe this year with Federal Fusion 115 gr. Wish I could offer more experience with it. I think with the right bullet it would be alright with your choices. I wonder how the Hornady 110 gr V-Max would do. Sorry to hear of your gun loss, that really sucks.
May 2020, will be my third trip to South Africa. This third trip is for hippo, eland and gemsbuck. For these three animals I'll be using my .375 H&H, with 300 grain softs and solids, (and/or my .458 Win Mag, with 500 grain softs/ solids, for hippo).

The 6.8 SPC is for SPECIFIC GAME. AS OTHER, if any, animal(s) BIGGER THAN BLESBUCK on my list WOULD HAVE ALREADY BEEN KILLED USING 30-06, .375 H&H, or .458WM.

My 6.8 SPC, 130 grain Hornady SST loads have a velocity of +/- 2250 fps, BC 0.460, SD 0.242, bullet diameter 0.277. At 100 yards, out of a 15 inch barrel pistol mounted with 2-10(?) x 32(?), Simmons pistol scope, 10 rds, 2-2 1/2 inch groups.

BALLISTICS: from ballistic calculator:

@100 yds: velocity: 2057 fps
energy: 1221 ft lbs

@200 yds: velocity: 1892 fps
energy: 1033 ft lbs

@300 yds: velocity: 1736 fps
energy: 870 ft lbs

Hornady recommends a minimum of 1800 fps for proper bullet function.

The concept is to minimize damage to a hide(s) for full body mount(s).
Yet know I have enough gun for the job.

Killing paper is one thing, humanely and quickly killing an animal is something else. Having no first hand experience as to what this caliber and bullet is fully capable of killing or what kind of exit hole/damage to light skin game it can do. Thus, why I created the original posts.

Have you shot that load through a Chrono? 2250 seems like a hot load with a 24" barrel nevermind a 15" like your running. With 130 grain bullets and a 15" barrel, in a semi auto. I would be shocked your getting above 2000fps. I'm not calling you a liar I would just love to know your load. Because in my bolt with a 22" barrel I can't even get close to that.

Thanks for the info as this is what I am wanting to know.

My PH friend has offered the use of a .223//5.56 caliber rifle for use on the small critters I mentioned. I rather avoided responding to his offer as I have never been a fan of the .223//5.56 calibers, especially for use in my previous profession.


It's not a "hot load", but it does have a beefer recoil than my .44 Rem Mag.. And yes the fps results are through a chronograph.

Are you shooting reloads or factory ammo? What manufacture(s) of bullet are you using? What type(s) and weight(s) of bullet(s) are you using?

I'll pm you my load data, and the disclaimer that this load is safe to use in MY firearm.
for me 375 H&H all the way. many animals shot with non lost.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)