AH veteran
I was just reading a thread about the best camo patterns for hunting in the Limpopo province of South Africa and it was stated that new non cotton hunting apparel should be avoided because of the need to iron clothes in that and other areas of Africa in which Mango Worms are present. I learned about mango worms the hard way when I was about 11 years old. I grew up in South Africa and my family and I went to a place called Linga Longa in what is now the Limpopo province. My clothes got wet and my mom rinsed them off and hung them up to dry. Several weeks later I had painful boils in my buttocks, legs, and arms. One evening I squeezed the boil and worm popped out. Horrified I popped all the other boils and worms popped out. We later learned that they were Mango Worms. When clothes are line dried they must be ironed to kill the eggs of the Mango Fly.
"Mango flies (Cordylobia anthropophaga) are a species of blow fly that's native to certain parts of Africa, including South Africa and Uganda. These flies have several names, including putsi or putzi fly, skin maggot fly, and tumbu fly. The larvae of mango flies are parasitic."
"How does a human get Mangoworms? Mango flies or myiatic flies are common in these areas, especially during the hot and humid summers. If clothes are hung outside, it is possible for a female fly to lay eggs on them, especially when the clothes were contaminated with urine or faeces. The clothes are then worn and the eggs penetrate the skin."

Mango Fly Infestation: Pictures, Symptoms, Treatment, Prevention
The mango fly is native to certain parts of Africa. Their larvae are parasitic. This means they can get under your skin and live there until they're ready to hatch. Learn how to avoid becoming a host to mango fly larvae, what an infestation looks like, and what to do if mango fly larvae get...

"Mango flies (Cordylobia anthropophaga) are a species of blow fly that's native to certain parts of Africa, including South Africa and Uganda. These flies have several names, including putsi or putzi fly, skin maggot fly, and tumbu fly. The larvae of mango flies are parasitic."
"How does a human get Mangoworms? Mango flies or myiatic flies are common in these areas, especially during the hot and humid summers. If clothes are hung outside, it is possible for a female fly to lay eggs on them, especially when the clothes were contaminated with urine or faeces. The clothes are then worn and the eggs penetrate the skin."