Hunting Concession Opens on Waterberg Plateau National Park in Namibia


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Hunting Concession Opens on Waterberg Plateau National Park in Namibia


Buffalo / Roan / Sable / White Rhino And Plains Game Hunting

A Hunters Paradise

In the red Waterberg sand a maze of tracks lay before us - buffalo, roan, sable, white and black rhino, eland, leopard and many others. Sometimes even a Professional Hunter can only stand back and watch in amazement as the trackers unravel the silent mystery of hoof and paw prints, bent grasses, sand ripples and tufts of hair. As they sort out the puzzle, we have time to reflect and marvel... Waterberg Park is open for hunting at last!




Just two and a half hours drive north of Namibia’s capital city, Windhoek, Waterberg Plateau National Park lies almost a thousand feet above the sweeping plains of eastern Namibia and a mile above sea level, dominating the landscape for miles around. This reserve was established in 1972 for eland, which were then being heavily hunted for the pot. Over time, the Parks Department added other species, including, in the late ‘70s, white and black rhino, and then sable, roan and Cape buffalo. All have thrived.


Recently the eastern half of the park was opened up as a commercial hunting area, and Hunters Namibia Safaris was very fortunate to secure the first rights to this concession. We had the honor of taking our first trophy hunter into the Waterberg in October 2009. A limited number of safaris are available in 2010 and 2011.



Abundant wildlife roams freely in this huge (270 square miles), undisturbed protected area. Even the open, western half of the park is lightly visited, and only two game-viewing vehicles are allowed to enter at a time. A unique feature of this park is the densest population of both white and black rhino in the world today.


On our scouting trips, we found plentiful herds of all huntable species - Cape buffalo, sable, roan, eland, rhino, giraffe - including many impressive mature bulls. Our hunting philosophy is to take animals that are past their prime and have already left their genes behind, and the Waterberg is ideally suited to this most basic but important principle of good stewardship.


Dinosaur Track on the Waterberg Plateau in Namibia

Hunting is in the classic style of tracking on foot. The red Waterberg sand is ideal for this, especially in this area of very sparse roads. Hunters should be physically fit, able to walk for miles. Although generally level, the terrain is varied and fascinating, with open savannah interspersed with thick Terminalia forests, red boulder outcrops and koppies of petrified sand dunes.

White rhino - This is one of the last areas in Africa where hunting free-range, truly wild white rhino from a natural population is possible. We expect long horns with heavy bases. While scouting, we saw huntable white rhino with horns exceeding 26 inches. (Namibia’s Parks Dept. stipulates that all trophy rhino must be post-productive males.) Our first client in the Waterberg, in October 2009, took the new No. 3 Namibian white rhino.
Cape Buffalo - Hunters can expect very good buffalo with deep curls and extremely wide bosses. Four of the top 10 buffalo ever taken in Namibia came from the Waterberg area; the biggest one measured 49 inches.




Sable - We have encountered giant sable here. We expect to take old bulls, well over the current trophy benchmarks that will top the record books. The largest known sable to come from this area was 49 inches. In October 2009, our very first Waterberg client took the new Namibian No. 10 sable, measuring 45 inches. We scouted a 49 or 50 inch sable.





Roan - Very common here and trophy expectations are exceptionally high. While scouting we found a roan that had died of old age; it measured 30½ inches long with 9½-inch bases, which would have put it in the SCI top 20. The biggest roan ever recorded in the Waterberg was 31½ inches, and five of the top 10 roan registered in Namibia came from this area.


Eland (Livingstone, the striped eland) - This is eland country, and the eland is the dominant species on the plateau. We have seen herds of 300-plus animals. Trophy expectations: world-class.




Frequently Asked Questions about Hunting in the Waterberg Plateau National Park in Namibia

How are your safaris conducted?
Our Waterberg Park Plateau concession is enormous (some 86,000 acres, or 135 square miles) and roads are limited. Hunting is largely “walk and stalk” - classic tracking on foot and challenging stalking, with lunch in the field.

What is the terrain?
Beautiful grassland savannah alternates with thick Terminalia forests and red-rock outcrops and koppies. The concession lies atop the plateau, so the area is relatively flat - no mountain climbing required.

Are there fences?
There is only a short section of game fence that separates the park from the cattle ranches to the east. Otherwise, the edge of the plateau forms a natural border that protects the wildlife on it from diseases carried by cattle and other domestic species. The eastern and western halves of the park are divided only by a two-track road.

What is the camp?
At present, we use a luxury lodge close to the park.

How many people can hunt the Waterberg?
We anticipate taking 8 to 10 hunters into this unique area each year. Hunters Namibia Safaris holds the exclusive hunting rights to the Waterberg National Park concession.

When did hunting begin here?
This area has never been hunted commercially. The only (very limited) private hunting took place in 2001-‘03, when a Spanish couple had bought the hunting rights for themselves. Our concession contract was signed by the Namibian Government in August 2009. Our first hunting safari took place in October 2009.

What trophy quality can be expected?
Our scouting has shown excellent trophies. We do not quote trophy scores or make promises of trophy quality (in our opinion, anyone who “guarantees” a trophy is either lying or cheating), but these photos, taken by us in 2009, speak eloquently of quality in the Waterberg.

Are there still openings in the Waterberg?
Hunters Namibia Safaris still has places available in 2010 and 2011. Prices will increase in 2011 because the Namibian Government has imposed a 10% annual price increase.

What species are available in the Waterberg?
The annual quotas for our Waterberg National Park concession include Cape buffalo, white rhino, roan antelope (Southern), sable antelope (Southern), eland (Livingstone) and giraffe.

What else makes this concession interesting?
This is a very safe environment, free of malaria or other diseases. We hold exclusive rights, so there will be no other people in the concession. No charter flights are needed; the Waterberg is an easy 2½-hour drive from Windhoek on excellent roads. The landscape and scenery are unparalleled. Namibia is extraordinarily peaceful and offers First World infrastructure, yet an extremely low population density.

How fit does one have to be to hunt this area and enjoy it?
A hunter must be in good physical condition, able to walk on sandy ground for three or four hours at a stretch. When it comes to physical ability we like to say, “We will walk as far as your condition will allow.”

What other species do you offer?
At Rooikraal, our property south of the Waterberg, hunters may take superb Kudu, Oryx, Eland (Cape and Livingstone), Springbuck, Steenbuck, Warthog, Waterbuck, Black wildebeest, Blue wildebeest, Burchell’s zebra and Hartmann’s zebra as well as common Impala, Black-faced Impala, Blesbuck, Damara Dik-dik, Common Duiker, Red Hartebeest and Klipspringer. Leopard and Cheetah, though relatively abundant, are closed by law across Namibia in 2010.



For prices please visit our website, feel free to contact us for further information.
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Just curious if you know what happened to the three guy's who stole the Sable out of the park last year?

I know they caught them with the animals in the truck,and one of them owned a hunting ranch the other side of Otjiwarango someplace....

Thanks a lot for the post! The prices are way, way beyond my budget. But the quality is there, if someone can afford it. With 10% increases every year, it won't take long to weed out who's hunting. Beautiful sable!!!

Interesting post tough...shows you what quality cost.
They are being prosecuted, don't know result.

Jofie Lamprecht
Thanks a lot for the post! The prices are way, way beyond my budget. But the quality is there, if someone can afford it. With 10% increases every year, it won't take long to weed out who's hunting. Beautiful sable!!!

Interesting post tough...shows you what quality cost.
Hello. Yes, there was a lot of competition for this area. Quality is certainly there. We still have some availability in 2010 season, 2011 we are almost sold out. We only have a few buffalo left for the 2011 season.

Jofie Lamprecht
Good...thanks for the prompt reply.....this will be a hec of an experience for someone.

Ive hunted very near there,Eland are huge and plentiful....


I will keep you updated by posting pictures. It is a wonderful area.

Regards Jofie
Waterberg Plateau National Park - Namibia

Jofie, Thanks for sharing the news of the opening of your new hunting concession with us.

I personally know this area very well and it is no doubt one of the most special areas to hunt in Namibia, certainly for the exceptional and abundant game but also for the sheer beauty of this area. I myself have been on the Plateau many times and can say first hand that it is very special indeed.

Namibia Hunting Areas

The Plateau is about 3 hours drive North of Windhoek, the Capital of Namibia

Namibia Major Cities

Just a little more info about the area itself...

The Waterberg Plateau National Park dramatic vertical cliffs rise more than 650 feet (200 meter) above the surrounding plains, creating natural boundaries which help protect the rare and endangered species such as Black and White Rhinoceros, home to Cape Buffalo, Roan Antelope, Sable Antelope and Tsessebe to name a few. The Waterberg Plateau National Park is ecologically diverse and rich and has over 200 different species of bird with some rare species of small antelope on the lower hills of the mountain.


Geologically, the oldest rock stratum is over 850 million years old and dinosaurs tracks were left there some 200 million years ago. The first human inhabitants were the San people, who left rock engravings believed to be several thousand years old. A small tribe of the San were still living their traditional lifestyle on the plateau until the late 1960s.

The Plateau is 156 square miles (405 square kilometer) and has an altitude of 5,413 to 5,577 feet (1,650 to 1,700 meter) above sea level.


We really look forward to seeing some pictures from your upcoming hunting season.
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The Waterberg Plateau National Park was established to resettle the species including Black and White Rhino, Buffaloes, Roan and Sable Antelopes.

The Waterberg Plateau is the only place in Namibia South of the Veterinary Cordon Fence, which was erected the early 1960s, where you will find a Buffalo population. The second place where you will find disease free Buffalo is the Tsumkwe population, north of the fence, in Bushmanland area, which were isolated from Botswana by the international boundary veterinary fence. Most of this group died of thirst and starvation and, by 1988, the only survivors were 18 of the original herd which later formed the nucleus for the present foot and mouth disease-free herd in Tsumkwe. It is significant that, up until the time of their quarantine in 1996, this herd had been in regular contact with cattle without transmitting the disease. One animal was destroyed because it tested FMD positive but the present herd is remarkably free of various diseases and is commercially valuable.

Fg12-Present distribution.gif

Waterberg Plateau National Park disease free Buffalo
Data is available for the years 1988-1992 and 2000. The last estimate for the present population was 184 in the year 2000. The introduction of 48 buffalo took place between 1981 and 1991 at an average rate of 5 per year (Erb 1992).

  • Most animals came directly from Addo National Park in South Africa
  • 11 came from from Willem Pretorius Game Reserve in the Free State in 1985-86 (presumably these animals originated from Addo stock)
  • 4 were buffalo of East African origin imported from a Czechoslovakian Zoo in 1986.

Google Satellite Map of Waterberg Plateau National Park - Namibia
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Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris is proud to announce the acquisition of exclusive hunting rights on Namibia’s spectacular Waterberg Plateau, a 156-square-mile national park that frequently produces Africa’s largest Cape buffalo trophies. Moreover, unlike previous hunting operators who were limited to specific areas, the entire park will now be hunted. While most will come to Waterberg for huge Cape buffalo with an outside spread in the mid-to-upper 40s, Namibia’s best roans are also a heavy draw. Additional species include leopard, sable, eland, giraffe and hunts for multiple Cape buffalo will also be offered on a limited basis. Waterberg operations begin in 2019 and will base from a luxury tent camp located inside the park boundary. The quality of trophies, quantity of game and the wilderness setting combine to make Waterberg one of Africa’s finest safari destinations. Combining a safari there with Kaokoland or the Kalahari is certain to produce the hunt of a lifetime. Based on initial demand, it is advisable to reserve Waterberg dates two or even three years in advance.

Congratulations on the new concession. I wish you good hunting
This sounds like a fantastic destination
jamie has prices posted on his website, Not cheap.
jamie has prices posted on his website, Not cheap.
True. But there you are hunting world class buffalo and other game. That said I took the 42" buffalo in my avatar with Jamy in the Caprivi. Both areas have great bulls, but the Waterberg is special.
jamie has prices posted on his website, Not cheap.
No doubt about it. But why would they be?
Doesn’t matter whether it is cars, guns, optics, or hunting areas and outfitters. Premium products come with premium price tags. And as with most things, you can expect to get what you pay for.
I wasn't complaining about the prices... I have just about talked myself into a couple weeks in Waterberg and then Kalahari.
Jamy Traut Hunting Safaris is proud to announce the acquisition of exclusive hunting rights on Namibia’s spectacular Waterberg Plateau, a 156-square-mile national park that frequently produces Africa’s largest Cape buffalo trophies. Moreover, unlike previous hunting operators who were limited to specific areas, the entire park will now be hunted. While most will come to Waterberg for huge Cape buffalo with an outside spread in the mid-to-upper 40s, Namibia’s best roans are also a heavy draw. Additional species include leopard, sable, eland, giraffe and hunts for multiple Cape buffalo will also be offered on a limited basis. Waterberg operations begin in 2019 and will base from a luxury tent camp located inside the park boundary. The quality of trophies, quantity of game and the wilderness setting combine to make Waterberg one of Africa’s finest safari destinations. Combining a safari there with Kaokoland or the Kalahari is certain to produce the hunt of a lifetime. Based on initial demand, it is advisable to reserve Waterberg dates two or even three years in advance.

View attachment 275114 View attachment 275115
Congratulations, this sounds like a great part of Namibia that I need to visit!
Welcome to Waterberg ~ Our new flagship camp

We are delighted to announce the long-awaited opening of our newly built luxury tented camp at Waterberg Plateau Park. Located on the east side of the Central Highlands, Waterberg Plateau is a unique flat-topped plateau. This plateau provides its visitors with stunning scenery and excellent wildlife. Waterberg is largely made up of sandstone, often naturally sculpted into amazing shapes. It is also is dotted with freshwater springs.

This exciting innovation is a one-of-a-kind experience for hunters searching for that dream buffalo safari. Our tented camp offers a plush safari experience just steps away from all the luxuries of civilization.
Waterberg has 5 guest tents that blend almost perfectly into the rugged environment and surroundings. These chalets are furnished with high-end furniture that provide comfort and style to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. Modern amenities are provided which include, but are not limited to, electricity, hot and cold running water, showers, flushing toilets and a daily laundry service. Highly trained camp staff will attend to all your needs and ensure that you don’t have to lift a finger.

Given the plateau’s isolated nature, endangered species such as white rhino, roan and sable antelope add to its rich existing game.


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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)