Hunting Elephant with a sword!
I came across this interesting old hunting story by Sir S.W. Baker where he described how the Hamran Arab sword hunters
of old [+_ 1850 ?] hunted elephant in northern Ethiopia [?] with a big and very sharp sword.
Baker was an eye witness to this extraordinary hunting technique!
[The sword was maybe something like this cold steel Samshir by the time frame and look of it on the painting?]
Just imagine, cutting the tendons and hind foot of a charging elephant as it passes you!
If you have ever seen an elephant in real life, you would be in awe of its sheer size -
- and then to ambush an enraged and charging one with only a sword???
I came across this interesting old hunting story by Sir S.W. Baker where he described how the Hamran Arab sword hunters
of old [+_ 1850 ?] hunted elephant in northern Ethiopia [?] with a big and very sharp sword.
Baker was an eye witness to this extraordinary hunting technique!
[The sword was maybe something like this cold steel Samshir by the time frame and look of it on the painting?]
Just imagine, cutting the tendons and hind foot of a charging elephant as it passes you!
If you have ever seen an elephant in real life, you would be in awe of its sheer size -
- and then to ambush an enraged and charging one with only a sword???