How is security?….. Trinidad & Tobago supplied more ISIS fighters (per capita) than any western country.
I wasn't aware of the ISIS statistic, interesting. There was a Islamic uprising in the early 90s that was squashed fairly quickly, but left most residents pretty uneasy. Police HQ got bombed and several people were killed.
Trinidad differs from most other Caribbean islands in that it has a large middle class and doesn't base its economy on tourism. It is resource rich, particularly with natural gas. Trinidad is a huge LNG exporter, as well as other natural gas derivative products (fertilzer, methanol, etc).
Just about all homes are surrounded by a brick wall and gated driveways. I worked for a major oil company and we had a security guard at our home 24/7. Private security is big business in developing countries, with every major building, grocery store, school, etc having private guards. I lived there 3-1/2 years and only had one petty theft from my backyard. We loved living there and my 4 daughters loved their school and everything about the assignment.
Funny story about when my wife and I went to Port of Spain for a pre-assignment visit. The company local rep took us around with a realtor to see some of the rental homes available. One house was quite nice and a good location, but the company rep was concerned about the wall along the backyard. She said our security chief would probably require some concertina wire be added to the back wall, due to it not being high enough. I looked at my wife and told her, "it's the little things that help make a house a home." She didn't laugh.