AH enthusiast
So now that I have my 577NE, Im starting to ponder the bigger stuff. Im thinking 8 or maybe 4 Bore Cartridge guns and even a 2 Bore muzzle loader. Now clearly modern smokeless cartridges are more powerful than the older loads, and really a 375 H&H will handle most situations--and when it wont a 470NE will; but theres just something about the Bore guns.
Now that I have my 577NE I dont feel the calling for a 600NE and the 700 never really interested me; but Wow! a 4 BORE, thats something different and well a 2 BORE is just, well its just....
So if I did jump into the "BORES", what could a reasonably expect to hunt with them? Yeah I know Elephant, Rhino, Hippo, and Buff. Of those Im pretty much limited to Buffalo, Hippo, and maybe Elephant from a financial point. As for the guns a single shot 4 Bore isnt too expensive, and muzzle loaders are almost cheap by comparison (especially if you consider the 72 caliber Pedersoli Double).
I like to hunt close anyway, (my long range days are long gone), so the reduced range of the BOREs isnt a issue for me, neither is having a PH backing me up with his own modern rifle. In truth the likelihood of me buying a 8 or 4 Bore cartridge gun is small, compared to a muzzle loader.
So if I do make the leap to the big muzzle loaders, whats a good selection of game to put on the list? Can I add Lion to the list?
Now that I have my 577NE I dont feel the calling for a 600NE and the 700 never really interested me; but Wow! a 4 BORE, thats something different and well a 2 BORE is just, well its just....
So if I did jump into the "BORES", what could a reasonably expect to hunt with them? Yeah I know Elephant, Rhino, Hippo, and Buff. Of those Im pretty much limited to Buffalo, Hippo, and maybe Elephant from a financial point. As for the guns a single shot 4 Bore isnt too expensive, and muzzle loaders are almost cheap by comparison (especially if you consider the 72 caliber Pedersoli Double).
I like to hunt close anyway, (my long range days are long gone), so the reduced range of the BOREs isnt a issue for me, neither is having a PH backing me up with his own modern rifle. In truth the likelihood of me buying a 8 or 4 Bore cartridge gun is small, compared to a muzzle loader.
So if I do make the leap to the big muzzle loaders, whats a good selection of game to put on the list? Can I add Lion to the list?