Eric Anderson
AH enthusiast
I put together a new AR-15 over Christmas. I was horrified the first time I shot it with IMI M193 and federal XM193 it looked like a shotgun pattern. I reset the barrel and retorqued the barrel nut when I got home.
Went back and made some ladder loads with lots of different bullet/ powder combos. Also brought a mag of PPU .223 to warm up the barrel beforehand so everything is consistent.
What I learned today:
It wasn’t the barrel bedding or barrel nut. The PPU still looks like a shotgun shot the target. In fact, pretty sure a turkey choke throws a tighter group.
The barrel shoots ok with several of the Norma bullets I tried.
It really likes Barnes tsx 55 grain fun bullets on top of IMR 4895
It’s best groups I was stacking bullet holes. unless I was having random fliers that completely missed paper, pretty sure I dropped a few rounds perfectly into a previous hole.
Now my delema. Is it worth keeping this barrel? It is unusable with M193 or equivalent. It is marginal with Norma varmit bullets. The only thing it is MOA capable with is the most expensive bullet out there. AR-15’s are not exactly suited for low volume precision firing. I have other rifles much better suited.
Has anyone else faced a similar situation? Had a barrel that only worked with premium ammunition. What did you do? Keep it, or buy another barrel?
Went back and made some ladder loads with lots of different bullet/ powder combos. Also brought a mag of PPU .223 to warm up the barrel beforehand so everything is consistent.
What I learned today:
It wasn’t the barrel bedding or barrel nut. The PPU still looks like a shotgun shot the target. In fact, pretty sure a turkey choke throws a tighter group.
The barrel shoots ok with several of the Norma bullets I tried.
It really likes Barnes tsx 55 grain fun bullets on top of IMR 4895
It’s best groups I was stacking bullet holes. unless I was having random fliers that completely missed paper, pretty sure I dropped a few rounds perfectly into a previous hole.
Now my delema. Is it worth keeping this barrel? It is unusable with M193 or equivalent. It is marginal with Norma varmit bullets. The only thing it is MOA capable with is the most expensive bullet out there. AR-15’s are not exactly suited for low volume precision firing. I have other rifles much better suited.
Has anyone else faced a similar situation? Had a barrel that only worked with premium ammunition. What did you do? Keep it, or buy another barrel?