Wondering what is the ideal distance to take the first shot using a double?
I agree, based on the feedback I'm aiming for 30 yards (ideal) to a 50 yards max. I feel off sticks and iron sights anything beyond this is difficult to shoot and shoot well aiming for the vitals.Above all, it depends on the distance at which your DR is regulated. The old British big bore DR were often regulated at 30 yards. A little later and especially the double rifles built by gunmakers of the continent of the continent were it at 50m. All of this means that it was assumed that shooting on big game takes place well below 100 yards.
None of the British rifles I have owned were regulated at that distance - the bullets would be crossing at fifty. Rigby, with no other guidance from the client, regulates its Rising Bite at 65 with bullets crossing no sooner than 85-100. That is the traditional distance. Most modern non-bespoke doubles will come with a 50 meter test target.Above all, it depends on the distance at which your DR is regulated. The old British big bore DR were often regulated at 30 yards. A little later and especially the double rifles built by gunmakers of the continent of the continent were it at 50m. All of this means that it was assumed that shooting on big game takes place well below 100 yards.
None of the British rifles I have owned were regulated at that distance - the bullets would be crossing at fifty. Rigby, with no other guidance from the client, regulates its Rising Bite at 65 with bullets crossing no sooner than 85-100. That is the traditional distance. Most modern non-bespoke doubles will come with a 50 meter test target.
My circa 1900 Suhl 9.3x74R and circa 1910 William Evans Paradox 12 bore both shoot 4-shot LxR-LxR groups under 3 inches at 100 yards. My William Douglas .470, which replicates a classic PH rifle in every way, shoots sub 3.5 inch four shot groups at 70 yards. My Blasers are admittedly a different technology, but they easily manage sub 2.5 inch groups at 100 yards.
Douglas 470
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The first two shots five years ago from the Douglas at 70 yards with a full bead hold. 6 o'clock cuts the red bull. It does the same with DGS.
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Suhl 9.3
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Evans Paradox
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