C.W. Richter
AH legend
I got a text very early this morning from a PH in Zambia that a famed Namibian PH Volker Grellmann had passed away. (My profuse apologies if untrue, writing this based solely upon that text-from a fellow I trusted my life with.) Volker was a pioneer in the Namibian safari industry and a great hunter with a wonderful manner. I believe he was the leader of many important conservation positions over the years and was featured in videos and books written by the famed Hunter/Author Peter Hathaway Capstick. That's how I first learned of Mr. Grellmann, but everytime on safari in Namibia his name was mentioned by at least one of the PHs. If I recall correctly, Volker used to also teach some of the PH training classes? He firmly believed in allowing the native Africans to have a major stake in the process, and above all loved having "Bushmen" (!Kung, San peoples) along on the hunt, as they are among the finest trackers in the world. As I'll never find the video clip of this online, I'll relate a funny Bushman story Volker relayed to Capstick around a fire on an elephant hunt in Namibia: One of his first clients made a less-than-ideal shot on some game animal and they tracked it, and tracked, it and tracked it for miles to no avail. Even hearty Grellmann wanted to give up the effort. And, that's when the Bushman tracker said to Volker "We cannot stop now. The poison has to begin working sometime soon!" (The Bushman thought the hunter was using poison-tipped bullets, like the arrowheads the San used to use for hunting.) All cracked up and the hunt was a bust. No blood. Only tracks...
Anyway, hats off to a superior human being, and one that we should thank every single day for lifelong support "in the trenches" for our passion (safari) which is still very much alive today! While recently in Namibia our driver pointed out the very lovely farm where Volker lived...
Anyway, hats off to a superior human being, and one that we should thank every single day for lifelong support "in the trenches" for our passion (safari) which is still very much alive today! While recently in Namibia our driver pointed out the very lovely farm where Volker lived...
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