AH ambassador
Nice or wishful thinking concept but the harsh reality is the more negative attention these dirtbags get the more popular they become and the bottom line becomes.....if you don't like their opinions don't listen to them.....and when these POS so called journalist post these type of shameful articles there are just enough legal mumbo jumbo for POS legal defense lawyers to fend off 99% of liabil suits.There are five kinds of people whom I despise in this world. Journalists rank as number 1. British journalists are even worse. I know that free speech is a very important right and everything, but these cultist bastards can’t be allowed to keep slandering us like this. Someone needs to take legal action against them for these sorts of “articles”. If you take action against four of five such ”Journalists“, you’ll automatically tow the rest in line.
the above article headline reads Lion and elephant killing trophy hunter gunned down execution-style....
I posted that piece over 2 hours ago in another thread.yeah, it just popped up on MSM