At the risk of being ostracized on AH, I’m here to help! Lol. Having been shot at, charged and enlisted to hcatch a few poachers in Africa, I would no more take a Ruger #1 to Africa than a BB gun. There, I said it! Flame away!!
The problem with that theory is that if it were sound, one would only carry semi auto rifles after African Game (because the point is so valid they would be widely legal). Or levers (in the few appropriate calibers), or things like the Blaser. Maybe doubles, though that tends to fall off in practicality when the game that is being played is against poachers. Of course one can make a stand on the fact that the No 1 is just that much slower...
The reality is most outsiders can't hunt DG without a professional, who might prefer the person whom they are there to assist, to take one very careful shot, and then by agreement, the pro takes over if it is a fail. That could be varied if the first shot is at a lion fully concealed behind a bush at 100 yards, as in one story I read. LOL
What about two No 1s and a gun bearer. Get things back to an earlier time.
Obviously what follows are very light loads. But it shows how fast a lever can be (and it never need run dry). And also you will notice how fast he shoots a shotgun while loading it only one round at a time (designed to level the playing field between levers, pumps, and doubles in the shotgun section).
So how slow is a Ruger No 1, if the person shooting it actually gets some training time in? Smooth is fast.
I would prefer some serious leather for the cartridges, high belt position. Further to reach but a lot more ergo and reliable than some of the stretch options on wrists and butts I have seen. This wouldn't be my choice of approach, but it shows keep the gun on the shoulder, and find the simplest mode of operation, in this case for a single shot shotgun.
"I need to know how to run the gun I've got"