I don't use a blanket number.
I wouldn't if I were you either. Take your load and find what trajectory you want with a ballistics calculator.
Example, my 458 lott, Federal 500gr Trophy bonded bear claw, 2200 fps, .282BC
1/2" sight height (I use irons), 15 yard zero.
This would have me within 1/2" of my POA out to a little over 97 yards.
So from zero to 97 yards I only have, at MOST, 1/2" of "miss" in my sight regulation.
I bought the lowest white bead front from NECG, bought the Low rear from Wayne at AHR, and am filing it down now to regulate. I actually have an extra rear low, plus a med and high. And have all the other height white dots, plus the lowest green one, which unfortunately is higher than the lowest white, should I figure out my eyes just can't do white.
But to me, this is an iron sight only gun meant for stopping, to me, the ballistics gave me a picture of what I could do and what I could expect.
Now, put it into practice, so that is a 15yd zero, also zeros at 83yds, so, go shoot, throw a target up at 15 yards, am I 3" high... well, file that rear down a bit more, try again.
Am I 1/2" high... well, maybe step that target back to 10 yards, is it zeroed there, if so, now where does it hit at 50, maybe it's 1" high at 50 but now zeroed at 100 yards as well.
Is that acceptable and leave it alone? Perhaps.
Anyways, that gives you an idea, an expectation, a start, now gear it towards what you want and your load and then you'll know whereabouts you should sight in.
** one more thing, just simply moving my sight height with that same data, moving the sight height to 1.5" has me still zeroed at 15 yards, but near 5" high at 100.
I point that out because sight height matters quite a bit, from being within 1/2" of POA from zero to 97 yards to being within 1/2" of POA from about 10 to 21 yards ONLY.
I'm ok with a 1/2" POA-POI difference, that's why I went with sights as low as possible, you may be fine with different numbers. I'd also rather sacrifice out further than closer because this is for stopping.
But something of which to be aware, because it's a big deal, 1.5" high sights means at Mark Sullivans 10 foot stopping distance I'd be over an inch low just because of sight regulation alone.
That's just an example, nobody get excited about the name and turn this into a Sullivan thread.
So, I'd say check the numbers and get yourself what you want, you may want these regulated specifically for stopping, meaning you may want to zero them at 5 yards, and you don't care if that means you're 10 feet high at 100yds, 100 yds isn't in play, it matters more that you don't die because your POA-POI gap was big at very close ranges.