Jihadists seize Moz port


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Apr 13, 2013
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Delaware, USA
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Not good. I bet we'll be involved there soon.
Yeah this need to be nipped in the bud asap!
Yeah this need to be nipped in the bud asap!

Been going on for few years now...but escalating in last year or so....savagery by them on villagers is bad...as I have said in another thread on this subject....couldn't put videos on here as they would freak everyone out....just think of a primitive butchery shop and that will give you a small idea on the parts of bodies strewn around and hacked ....the savagery is just unbelievable.....:(
I was sent one of those videos and it's butchery and not something most people would want to see. It's lesser version of the Rwanda genocide but still ugly.
No surprise. Much like neglecting an infection and then exclaiming "Oh my" when it spreads.

Who has good intel on the Moz Government actions and capabilities? What are they doing for their country?
Is this just another corrupt failing state that is being overrun?
Yea..... sure that may sound good, but maybe we need to start finishing things.........something......... anything before we start on something new?

We do have this bad habit of never allowing our military of never finishing anything.
Unfortunately "finishing" things in the modern age, with the enemies being fought, is damn near impossible. It's not like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan where they were tiny countries with massively strained production and ever-dwindling resources towards the end, where the Germans capitulated and surrendered with Berlin surrounded on all sides by superior forces or the Japanese surrendering after the USA proved its willingness to obliterate cities in one fell stroke.

To "win" against these Jihadis(ists?), Taliban, AQ, ISIS, all the myriad and sundry smaller cohorts in Africa and the Middle East and wherever else, you'd have to undertake a complete and systematic eradication of every single man, woman, and child who's part of it, supports it, teaches it, is taught it. Which is simply impossible without it going into really bad territory, the kind of territory that they are probably gearing up to go into. You can't beat them without wiping them out, and you can't wipe them out without sacrificing the moral high ground (such as it may be). There's no taking the gloves off anymore and signing the order to drop Little Boy on Hiroshima, because that would only strengthen the Islamists' resolve against the evil West, and ever since Vietnam those gloves have been almost glued to our skin. We can shove missiles down the throats of every top-tier Islamist commander we ID, we can put bullets through their skulls, hang them in the streets, and it won't make a single bit of difference because more will show up. It's like killing a Hydra except in addition to the extra heads sprouting from the neck, its fellow Hydras are popping out eggs at a massive rate and we can't find all the nests. And we can't just up and leave because they'll take it as a victory and their resolve will grow too and they'll carry on with all the stuff they were doing but now they have impunity.

And don't get me wrong, I absolutely want to see the whole Islamic Terrorist ideology eradicated. Completely wiped from the earth. Doesn't matter if they're African, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern, Chechnyan, or Birminghamian. But doing it in practice? No, that's not gonna happen. Leaving is the best choice we have but all it'll really accomplish is letting the other guys get more confident. We can't "finish", just "end", and I certainly agree that getting started in something else would just make that worse. We don't need to get involved with another conflict unless it can be guaranteed to actually have a finishing point.
Been going on for few years now...but escalating in last year or so....savagery by them on villagers is bad...as I have said in another thread on this subject....couldn't put videos on here as they would freak everyone out....just think of a primitive butchery shop and that will give you a small idea on the parts of bodies strewn around and hacked ....the savagery is just unbelievable.....:(

Very terrible to hear, and yes so sad and disgusting how barbaric some people can be with zero regard for life!
Our (America's) best bet is to stay out of it and let them kill each other off. They've been fighting since the dawn of time and will fight til the end of time. Subhuman fanatics. They don't know any better and don't need a reason.
Our (America's) best bet is to stay out of it and let them kill each other off. They've been fighting since the dawn of time and will fight til the end of time. Subhuman fanatics. They don't know any better and don't need a reason.
Hahaha what have we been doing since the beginning of our existence? Because we sure as hell havent stopped killing people but i guess its okay when we do it.
Probably not good for the northern and eastern parts of the Niassa.

To bad the area was given to the Portuguese in the Treaty of Versailles. Tanzania would never have let the situation get out of hand.
The videos I have seen are some of the vilest I've ever even heard of, just pure evil manifested.
Unfortunately "finishing" things in the modern age, with the enemies being fought, is damn near impossible. It's not like Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan where they were tiny countries with massively strained production and ever-dwindling resources towards the end, where the Germans capitulated and surrendered with Berlin surrounded on all sides by superior forces or the Japanese surrendering after the USA proved its willingness to obliterate cities in one fell stroke.

To "win" against these Jihadis(ists?), Taliban, AQ, ISIS, all the myriad and sundry smaller cohorts in Africa and the Middle East and wherever else, you'd have to undertake a complete and systematic eradication of every single man, woman, and child who's part of it, supports it, teaches it, is taught it. Which is simply impossible without it going into really bad territory, the kind of territory that they are probably gearing up to go into. You can't beat them without wiping them out, and you can't wipe them out without sacrificing the moral high ground (such as it may be). There's no taking the gloves off anymore and signing the order to drop Little Boy on Hiroshima, because that would only strengthen the Islamists' resolve against the evil West, and ever since Vietnam those gloves have been almost glued to our skin. We can shove missiles down the throats of every top-tier Islamist commander we ID, we can put bullets through their skulls, hang them in the streets, and it won't make a single bit of difference because more will show up. It's like killing a Hydra except in addition to the extra heads sprouting from the neck, its fellow Hydras are popping out eggs at a massive rate and we can't find all the nests. And we can't just up and leave because they'll take it as a victory and their resolve will grow too and they'll carry on with all the stuff they were doing but now they have impunity.

And don't get me wrong, I absolutely want to see the whole Islamic Terrorist ideology eradicated. Completely wiped from the earth. Doesn't matter if they're African, Middle Eastern, Far Eastern, Chechnyan, or Birminghamian. But doing it in practice? No, that's not gonna happen. Leaving is the best choice we have but all it'll really accomplish is letting the other guys get more confident. We can't "finish", just "end", and I certainly agree that getting started in something else would just make that worse. We don't need to get involved with another conflict unless it can be guaranteed to actually have a finishing point.

The US military is actually extremely good at asymmetric warfare...

Winning is merely a matter of the politicians, and the populous allowing it to happen, and being willing to accept what “winning” actually means...

The problem lies with the US government, the media, and the general population being unwilling to let the military go the distance..

Not with the fight being un-winnable
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The problem lies with the US government, the media, and the general population being unwilling to let the military go the distance..

Not with the fight being un-winnable

Well said.
The US military is actually extremely good at asymmetric warfare...

Winning is merely a matter of the politicians, and the populous allowing it to happen, and being willing to accept what “winning” actually means...

The problem lies with the US government, the media, and the general population being unwilling to let the military go the distance..

Not with the fight being un-winnable
I can somewhat agree with that, and was referring to it with my "gloves on/off" statement earlier. And in truth, I would be somewhat supportive of letting them take the gloves off and give the terrorists their just desserts.

But I would still question how effective it would be in eradicating the Islamist-terrorist ideology, for example. Which is why I don't consider it to be a "winnable" fight. The only way to "win" would be to Thanos-snap radical Islam/Islamic terrorism into nonexistence. Just... snap it completely gone. Preachers, tenets, practitioners, the very concept gone from the universe. Bloodless instantaneous nonexistence. But that's fiction and can't happen, and somehow I just don't see even the most gloves-off of warfighters agreeing with killing children who might grow up and remember what they were taught about "blowing up the infidel to go to paradise".

The terms of war can be changed, the ground can be made more even. Let the right people take the right advantage, and you can put a great dent in things. But I still don't think you can win against an ideology like that.
The thanos snap isn’t the solution .. and isn’t in any way how asymmetric warfare works...

A guerrilla fights a patient war...
I don't claim any expertise on these situations but if we get involved it will just be more whack-a-mole. Harry Truman was a democrat, not like todays Demonrats by any means. And he did what he had to do in Japan.
I doubt seriously there are 5 world leaders today with iron balls like his.

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