AH elite
Has anyone ever hunted here? I went to Hungary a little over 2 years ago and hunted with a gent under suggestion of @UKHunter. While there, George had mentioned that he'd like to hunt Ibex the same as I. I've spent the last two years thinking about what to do for the next hunt trip. @gizmo is always on my list with those bison, and not to mention he's got a great lodge and does my taxidermy.
I sure didn't like the flights I just looked at
. My main reason for popping up here are, of course, for info gathering.
Firearms travel on United or Lufthansa, or issues you all have seen.
Experience traveling to Kazakhstan.
Tips one training up for mountain hunting.
Gear preferred for mountain terrain.
Obviously, any and all additional tips and tricks you folks have will be greatly appreciated. I didn't yet tell the wife I was thinking of planning something. Newly married this past spring, and we've got several moving pieces still in play from merging and selling two homes, buying one to fit us all. I dropped some hints last night showing her some photos of the critters available to hunt. I think it may be called subterfuge
I sure didn't like the flights I just looked at

Firearms travel on United or Lufthansa, or issues you all have seen.
Experience traveling to Kazakhstan.
Tips one training up for mountain hunting.
Gear preferred for mountain terrain.
Obviously, any and all additional tips and tricks you folks have will be greatly appreciated. I didn't yet tell the wife I was thinking of planning something. Newly married this past spring, and we've got several moving pieces still in play from merging and selling two homes, buying one to fit us all. I dropped some hints last night showing her some photos of the critters available to hunt. I think it may be called subterfuge