The beef's too tough! Lion is left bloodied after fighting buffalo
In an hour-long battle in Zambia, the 420-pound lion clung onto a 1,900-pound buffalo, sinking its claws into the animal's hide - before it was impaled by the buffalo's horn.
This lion bit off more than it could chew.
In an hour-long battle in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia, the 420lb lion clung onto a 1,900lb buffalo, sinking its claws into the animal's hide.
But the prey proved more than a match for the predator, which ended up being impaled by the buffalo's horn.
Pictures taken by Matt Armstrong-Ford, 31, from the Isle of Bute, Scotland show the bloodied lion exhausted on the ground in defeat as several of the buffalo gathered around him.
Days later the weakened big cat was found dead having been attacked by hyenas.
Male buffalos are considered to be one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. Their horns fuse together creating a tough shield which is known as a 'boss'. Some refer to them as 'black death' or 'widowmakers' as they reportedly trample or kill around 200 people a year.