Just wanting suggestions as to what would be a good magazine focused on Africa hunting. Just say like Outdoor Life or Field and Stream in a Africa version.
African hunting gazette is best, but it’s much more professionally done than outdoor life or field and stream. Not necessarily Africa focused but sports afield is a great magazine too.
I will vouch for both above, but for pure African reading and enjoyment the African Hunting Gazette hands down. Truly look forward to each and every issue reading from cover to cover. Richard Lendrum the publisher, send an email, he will respond personally with info and yes Magazine NO comparison to any other.
Following my first hunt in Mozambique with my son, I published an article in African Hunting Gazette describing us taking a pair of bulls with Mashambanzou Safaris in Coutada 14 in the Zambezi Delta. Recently, the journal finished cataloguing the back issues on line. It was a fabulous...
For those with any interest, African Hunting Gazette just published my article "Up Close and Personal in the Limpopo" about my buffalo hunt in June with Phillip Bronkhorst Safaris.
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