Thank you so much for your informative and helpful reply. I’m looking into Kaokoland now. I actually watched a nationalgeographic show on a wildlife biologist traveling through Angola and through the Caprivi to the Okavango delta and that started my interest on a hunt there. Please forgive my ignorance on Africa itself I’ve been researching for weeks and as you know the amount of info and conflicting information is huge.
Namibia will have, on the farm lands:
- High fence hunting
- Low fence hunting
- Total free range
I’m interested in a plains game hunt for kudu, eland, warthog, and probably a few others. I’m trying to find something in a free range concession.
i hunted in Namibia twice (3rd safari booked for), when I was driving with Ph to the hunting farm,I saw following game, on the road, frequently: kudu, red hartebeest, oryx, warthoog, baboon... (very numeorus, during the day drive, and dozens in the night in groups, when we were driving to the airport fro early morning flight.
This indicates wild populations of animals around - free ranging. Even on farm land.
The animals I have hunted on the farm, out of any fence: kudu, oryx, hartebeest, warthog, etc
Depending of the area, of hunting farm other animals could be in free range, no fence territory.
So, free range is possible on Namibian hunting farm, in no fence, and low fence area.
What you need, is finding good outfitter, and ask for hunting options in his outfit, free range animals, on farm land.
This is if you will go economical.
If the budget is higher (somebody mentioned 20k) , and the idea is to experience free range, and total wilderness, and walk around true dangerous game, then go Caprivi strip. (Check for example, Ndumo hunting safaris, sponsor here, they offer hunts in Caprivi),
In the case you will go to caprivi, put on the list also red lechwe. (my suggestion)
And then, if you are in the budget for Caprivi strip, you can also take a look, at Zambia, Mosambique, Tanzania offers...