
AH legend
Jun 30, 2014
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This was in my inbox this morning, bad taste, maybe, funny as hell though!
This whole rioting situation is like a dog that jumps on the furniture, if you let them get away with it once, they think it is okay.
Don't you understand this is all pent up frustration with the system and the oppression of the man. So burning and looting is a right. It's understandable. Wonder what the excuse will be next week and where will it happen.
The first sign of rioting the governor should have called out the national guard.....to heck with waiting on the mayor. Issue the curfew order and a shoot to kill order on looters and this shit would not happen.
Where is Lester Maddox, 1960s governor of Georgia, in times like these?
I lived in Augusta. GA in 1968 when riots broke out......businesses were burned and looted in African American neighborhoods that were never rebuilt. But Lester issues a shoot to kill order on day two and all of a sudden things got calmed down. Protest is one thing but street thugs using a tragic event as an excuse to take from others is bullshit.
Couldn't agree more, just an excuse for lawlessness. In the name of....all bullshit, just another excuse.
They had a sign at a protest in Houston today that said " all cops are bastards". These men have a tough enough job as it is, they don't need these dipshits adding to the fire. I would like to see the chaos that these metropolitan cess pools would be in if the police didn't show up to work just one day! Those same retards with the signs would be calling 911 for help.
Couldn't agree more, just an excuse for lawlessness. In the name of....all bullshit, just another excuse.
They had a sign at a protest in Houston today that said " all cops are bastards". These men have a tough enough job as it is, they don't need these dipshits adding to the fire. I would like to see the chaos that these metropolitan cess pools would be in if the police didn't show up to work just one day! Those same retards with the signs would be calling 911 for help.
Some of those same ones with the signs would probably be the looters!
Some of those same ones with the signs would probably be the looters!

Where do you think that they got the material to make the signs with?
I bet not a one of the sumbitchs missed work either to stand out there and protest. Now they have thrown the police officers under the bus, probably just to appease the populous. When them guys get found not guilty the place will really burn.
I'm not a wise man but I have learned several things that have kept me from having my head pommeled with a baton, probably the most important of which is when the officer asks you to stop by politely turning on his lights, STOP and wait for him to give you further instructions, not run from the car! I have yet to receive more than a speeding ticket by staying seated and handing my DL and insurance to a cop.
I don't want to pass judgement on anyone here. I completely agree that violence and looting is wrong, but I also do see where some of the anger from protestors stems from. I am not black so I do not think that I am qualified to talk about police racism, but I do think that it is still a problem in some areas of the country. I mean, if you were old enough to be apart of (or have a parent who was) the civil rights movement, then you might see the police differently. Personally, I would find it very difficult to trust the police if they had used hoses and dogs on my dad just because he wanted to vote. Once again, I am not condoning the violence or looting. I just think it is good to try to see it from another perspective now and again. I'll turn over the soap box to whoever's next.
Saul it doesn't matter what baggage any of us bring to the table in every day life. Looting and burning makes no sense. It contributes nothing to the common discourse. Rather looting and burning is the thugs way of saying I don't care what decent society expects of me....I can do as I please because I rationalize this with the excuse of being feed up with my situation in life. Never mind anything about working for a living and earning what you get in life. Respecting others begins with respecting ones self. As mentioned when the police say stop you stop. When they say get out of the car you do it. And when one points a gun at you you put your hands up, really, and comply with orders.....you don't argue or run at or away from the officer. Color doesn't matter. You respect the position of authority the law has placed in the police and settle your issues in a court. In this manner you hold yourself to a high level of self respect......if you have done nothing wrong there is no need to fear anything and you can hold your head high and be civil.
We are 50 years past dogs and hoses man! Everyone needs to get over that.....it was wrong in my view......but it was the law at the time.......we changed the laws that allowed that treatment because of and through common discourse.
Well said CAustin !!!
I just think it is good to try to see it from another perspective now and again.
We can certainly agree on that Saul. Never hurts to analyze from the other point of view. If only folks who are rabidly against hunting would take a step back and objectively consider the facts from our point of view. There would be significantly fewer anti-hunters in the world.
One of my problems with all of the BS, including the looting is this; I know a whole bunch of Cops and I don't know a single one who is anything like what I hear police officers in general being portrayed as. If you listen to the media or the "Looters" or even worse the Al Sharpton's and Jessie Jackson's of the world, the police in these cities like Baltimore are nothing but racist thugs. Really? I just can't bring myself to believe that might be the case. I understand that the local P.D. in Idaho may be a bit different than big city police forces. I just don't believe the people drawn to this career are that much different in Baltimore than they are in Boise. The guys I know that are Cops in Idaho are decent, honorable, honest people. In fact, more so than the average Joe on the street, but if you flee or resist you're going to get treated roughly. Good! I hope the cops in my neck of the woods are fully prepared to kick ass and take names if the situation warrants.
OK, soap box is now unoccupied :D
One of my problems with all of the BS, including the looting is this; I know a whole bunch of Cops and I don't know a single one who is anything like what I hear police officers in general being portrayed as. If you listen to the media or the "Looters" or even worse the Al Sharpton's and Jessie Jackson's of the world, the police in these cities like Baltimore are nothing but racist thugs. Really? I just can't bring myself to believe that might be the case. I understand that the local P.D. in Idaho may be a bit different than big city police forces. I just don't believe the people drawn to this career are that much different in Baltimore than they are in Boise. The guys I know that are Cops in Idaho are decent, honorable, honest people. In fact, more so than the average Joe on the street, but if you flee or resist you're going to get treated roughly. Good! I hope the cops in my neck of the woods are fully prepared to kick ass and take names if the situation warrants.
OK, soap box is now unoccupied :D
I do agree that many of the police officers I know are some of the most standup guys out there. It helps that many come from a military background. With that said, I do know of police who are not good guys. There are a lot of guys trying to be hardasses out there and unfortunately some of them are police. On a personal note, I had a friend in college who was black (mind this was a while ago) and there were countless times that the local cops would stop him and frisk him just for walking alone at night. That never happened to me. Being a cop is no different than any other job. Sometimes, bad people are cops. That does not mean that rotten apples should sour the name of the police, but it does explain why many have had a difficult time with the police in the past.
No doubt there are bad apples in every bushel. I don't condone any abuse of power and I know that it does happen. However, there is the element of community culture and community responsibility here. Some communities have a great "partnership" with law enforcement. It seems like these are usually the low crime communities. Higher crime communities seem to have a more adversarial relationship with law enforcement. To be expected, right? By definition law enforcement is there to support the law abiding and bring the law breakers to justice.
The police are there to protect and serve the community. If a police force is not serving its community in the way the community demands there are avenues available to change the service/behavior that are within the bounds of the law.
The behavior we see on tv of looting and riots is disgraceful. I see this and it immediately shapes my opinion of these people. Law abiding people with self respect, morals and ethics don't behave that way. Yet there are people in prominent positions who have an agenda to further and they make these people their poster children and try to pass them off as good people who have been mistreated by law enforcement. I ain't buyin' it.
More than twice as many whites were killed by police than blacks last year. Where is all the protest about so many whites being killed. Why don't the whites go to the black areas and burn and loot.
Who is the real racist?
I do agree that many of the police officers I know are some of the most standup guys out there. It helps that many come from a military background. With that said, I do know of police who are not good guys. There are a lot of guys trying to be hardasses out there and unfortunately some of them are police. On a personal note, I had a friend in college who was black (mind this was a while ago) and there were countless times that the local cops would stop him and frisk him just for walking alone at night. That never happened to me. Being a cop is no different than any other job. Sometimes, bad people are cops. That does not mean that rotten apples should sour the name of the police, but it does explain why many have had a difficult time with the police in the past.
I'm not taking away from your experience but I've been a policeman for over 13 years and have NEVER seen an officer do anything racially motivated. Yes 30 to 50 years ago that did happen. 2015 not a chance. We are everyday people trying to do a job and get home to our families at the end of our shifts. If you want to know the seceret to getting the police to leave you alone? Be employed so you don't have time to act like an idiot and first and foremost don't be a criminal or break the law. People that are "harassed" by the police are so because they are criminals and it's our job to relentlessly persu those types to the ends of the earth in order to protect the flock from the wolves. People don't like us because we are scary and have teeth. Given we have the capacity for violence when necessary we almost look like a wolf to the Flock sometimes. In reality the only time we show our teeth is in defense of the flock or ourselves. Officers are killed all over the country protecting the flock all the time. Does the media honor those fallen heroes? No they don't, but they'll damn sure put some asshole on the news saying why in their dicked up mind the officer "deserved it". These "people" that are rioting and looting are criminals period and should be treated as such. But now days they crucify the officer to get them to stop burning there own neighborhoods down. Well I'm sorry but to hell with them. The constitution garuntees the right to peacefully assemble, not riot. This behavior is obserd. If you think the police are out of line in defending themselves next time go deal with the riot on your own. I've been in riots and shootings among many other things and they suck. It's scary as hell but it's your job to deal with it. No one else but us deal with this shit but everyone wants to Monday morning quarter back in the safety of their homes and offices when they have days weeks and months to think about how it should have been done in their opinion based on all of their ZERO experience. I've had bricks bottles and rocks thrown at my head with 10 of us against a couple of hundred of people. A crowd with a mob mentality is deadly. If you get out of line the reaction from us is quick and violant because it has to be. Our life and those innocent bi standards depend on it. Every time I hear some one criticize the police or military my answer is join up if you feel it can be done better, we're always hiring.
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Just a few more thoughts...
Cops should be the biggest bad asses on the block, no matter what. No matter the fight, the police always win. Period. When that ceases to be the case every cop is going to be in a fight every day. The message should always be, you do NOT want to fight with the PoPo. You WILL lose. Deterrent is a powerful tool.
Law enforcement deserves the support of the community. They are risking their life every day to ensure the safety of the law abiding citizens of that community.
If my daughter or girlfriend is in danger and needs help from law enforcement, I hope the officers responding are not worrying about how the media is going to portray their actions.
Thank you, unfortunately officers are becoming scared to do their jobs for fear of public scrutiny. This results more in injuries and deaths to officers more so than to anyone else. When you stop to doubt yourself, even though you are just and right, it very well can cost your life. If the sheep dogs are chained unnecessarily than who is left to guard the flock. The 99% of good citizens need to unite, stand up, and not tolerate this nonsense. Unfortunately this won't happen. I'm sorry if I've been on my soap box but the scrutiny is worse than I've ever seen it. What makes it so bad is that it's unwarranted. In the 50's and 60's there was a need for a change. Now the pendulum has swung so far to the other side we as a civilized society are in real trouble and this is just the beginning as our administration and media want this. They want termoil to further their agendas. I used to love my job. Over the last few years I have come to resent it. I'm proud of what I do but I'm tired of doing it. Getting your ass shot off gets old real quick when those you are protecting turn on you and crucify you for doing it.
This isn't ment to be me on the pity pot, it's not intended that way. My point is that this situation is quickly spiraling out of control. If common sense doesn't prevail and people don't stand up and refuse to tolerate this crap then everyone is going to be in trouble. 10 years ago when I applied at the department I work for now I was one of over 1000 applicants. This last academy we had about 120 of which we were able to scratch together about 20 for the academy. We have about a 50% failure rate in the academy, after that about 25% of those left won't make it through field training. This country is going to find themselves out of people willing to do this for the right reasons real quick. Then hiring standards are lowered and that leads to even more of a disaster.
Gizmo keep the faith that what you do is important and that the vast MAJORITY of people appreciate you and the work you do.
A couple of years ago I was having a pig roast at my home. About 75 people there. Someone backed into someone else's car out front so a police report was needed. The officers came and did their job! As they were leaving I asked them to come join the neighbors and have a plate of bar B Q. Well you know what they radioed in to take their lunch break and joined us. Every single guest went over and introduced themselves and thanked these guys for what they do. They had a good meal and met a lot of citizens and shook hands with them.
My point is this. I live in a community that appreciates police work and the fact that they put their lives on the line for the public good. We are respectful of them and they of us. We citizens don't have to respect the police but I n turn they must respect us as a condition of their employment. It sure is a lot easier on everyone when that street goes both ways. Furthermore, mutual respect is what keeps crime low and criminals behind bars in our communities.
I have no respect for the thugs in Baltimore who are burning the place down. People die every day just trying to get into this country and those fools in Baltimore seem to think they have it so bad that they need to protest by burning and looting. It is nothing more than a symptom of the failure of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society idea. When you don't work for a living and government takes care of you from cradle to grave you are apt to be unhappy all the time because you have no sense of self worth or respect fir yourself. Large metro areas that dole out free services to thousands are very dangerous places as we all can see on the news. Where would we be with out police in those places? I wouldn't want to be there without my AR-15.
Ok my rant is over.
Thank you Gizmo!

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Grz63 wrote on roklok's profile.
Hi Roklok
I read your post on Caprivi. Congratulations.
I plan to hunt there for buff in 2026 oct.
How was the land, very dry ? But à lot of buffs ?
Thank you / merci
Fire Dog wrote on AfricaHunting.com's profile.
Chopped up the whole thing as I kept hitting the 240 character limit...
Found out the trigger word in the end... It was muzzle or velocity. dropped them and it posted.:)
Fire Dog wrote on AfricaHunting.com's profile.
2,822fps, ES 8.2
This compares favorably to 7 Rem Mag. with less powder & recoil.
Fire Dog wrote on AfricaHunting.com's profile.
Rifle is a Pierce long action, 32" 1:8.5 twist Swan{Au} barrel
{You will want a 1:8.5 to run the heavies but can get away with a 1:9}
Peterson .280AI brass, CCI 200 primers, 56.5gr of 4831SC, 184gr Berger Hybrid.
Fire Dog wrote on AfricaHunting.com's profile.
I know that this thread is more than a year old but as a new member I thought I would pass along my .280AI loading.
I am shooting F Open long range rather than hunting but here is what is working for me and I have managed a 198.14 at 800 meters.
That is for 20 shots. The 14 are X's which is a 5" circle.