AH ambassador
With latest thread, of unusal occurances during your hunts, it came to me to ask and share with you, your best shot ever?
So, what is your best shot ever?
A best shot you ever made with your rifle? Never to be repeated?
So, mine is as follows. I have to wind the clock back, to early eighties, more then 30 years ago.
Lets remember the day, the day of November.
I was teenager, and shooting on occasion with my granpas rifle, 22lr, on my free days, or just before the school..
My house was on the seacoast and from balcony I can watch the sea horizon, some 15 miles distant to next island.
The day was cloudy, and no wind at all.
Just overcast sky.
The sea was calm.
The calm, clody day of early november.
I had my granpas 22, with me. And few cartridges in a pocket to spend.
The distance.
At sea just infront of the house, my old neighbour placed and anchored a fishing buoy, of stirofoam, many months earlier.
He used it to make fast, and tie up with his boat there, sometimes when he went fishing.
Not too often. Sometimes.
But the buoy, it was there. All the time.
And I knew the distance, from my balcony!
So, when he was not using it for fishing, I was using it for target practise, on a calm day.
If I set up the sights to 170 meters, the 22 bullet would drop to surface closer from the buoy.
If I set up the sights to 190 meters, the 22 bullet would pass over the target and drop to surface, farther from the buoy.
If I set up the sights to 180 meters, I would fire, and after few moments I would hear, a dull thud of 22 bullet hitting home. "Tup!"
And so, the distance was establIshed empirically to "ballistic" 180 meters, with whatever 22 ammo was available to me then.
(more then 30 years ago)
The shot.
So, the day was calm. Cloudy. No wind. Early november of that year.
At one moment I saw the duck flying low, just above the sea level.
Judging by ducks heading, it will fly over, exactly over the fishing marker buoy!
O, my!
180 meters?!
I worked the bolt, and placed a cartridge, in a a single shot, 22 rifle. (German Erma, made in 1934)
Rifle on rest over fence handrail.
Rear sight set at 180 meters.
Sights aligned, rifle positioned softly on my left hand, and I was now following the duck in the flight.
I estimated the lead, counted the seconds in my head, to get some reference of ducks velocity, and moved the sights to lead the target in the flight.
I estimated the lead then at few meters, and kept it like that.
With best possible lead estimated and established, and well maintained, I applied slight pressure on the trigger, and released the shot!
After a very loooong moment, dull thud came back,
and duck dropped!
I couldnt beleive!
My best shot ever, a duck in flight, 180 meters, with 22 sinlge shot rifle.
Beleive it or not. And I never repeated this shot ever.
Went to the boat, and collected the duck. Brought it proudly to my grandmother, to make lunch next day!
My best shot ever!
Many months and years ago. But I remember as vividly as it was yesterday.
And view from same balcony today (except is windy day today). The palms to the left, 30 years ago were below balcony level.
So, what is your best shot ever?
A best shot you ever made with your rifle? Never to be repeated?
So, mine is as follows. I have to wind the clock back, to early eighties, more then 30 years ago.
Lets remember the day, the day of November.
I was teenager, and shooting on occasion with my granpas rifle, 22lr, on my free days, or just before the school..
My house was on the seacoast and from balcony I can watch the sea horizon, some 15 miles distant to next island.
The day was cloudy, and no wind at all.
Just overcast sky.
The sea was calm.
The calm, clody day of early november.
I had my granpas 22, with me. And few cartridges in a pocket to spend.
The distance.
At sea just infront of the house, my old neighbour placed and anchored a fishing buoy, of stirofoam, many months earlier.
He used it to make fast, and tie up with his boat there, sometimes when he went fishing.
Not too often. Sometimes.
But the buoy, it was there. All the time.
And I knew the distance, from my balcony!
So, when he was not using it for fishing, I was using it for target practise, on a calm day.
If I set up the sights to 170 meters, the 22 bullet would drop to surface closer from the buoy.
If I set up the sights to 190 meters, the 22 bullet would pass over the target and drop to surface, farther from the buoy.
If I set up the sights to 180 meters, I would fire, and after few moments I would hear, a dull thud of 22 bullet hitting home. "Tup!"
And so, the distance was establIshed empirically to "ballistic" 180 meters, with whatever 22 ammo was available to me then.
(more then 30 years ago)
The shot.
So, the day was calm. Cloudy. No wind. Early november of that year.
At one moment I saw the duck flying low, just above the sea level.
Judging by ducks heading, it will fly over, exactly over the fishing marker buoy!
O, my!
180 meters?!
I worked the bolt, and placed a cartridge, in a a single shot, 22 rifle. (German Erma, made in 1934)
Rifle on rest over fence handrail.
Rear sight set at 180 meters.
Sights aligned, rifle positioned softly on my left hand, and I was now following the duck in the flight.
I estimated the lead, counted the seconds in my head, to get some reference of ducks velocity, and moved the sights to lead the target in the flight.
I estimated the lead then at few meters, and kept it like that.
With best possible lead estimated and established, and well maintained, I applied slight pressure on the trigger, and released the shot!
After a very loooong moment, dull thud came back,
and duck dropped!
I couldnt beleive!
My best shot ever, a duck in flight, 180 meters, with 22 sinlge shot rifle.
Beleive it or not. And I never repeated this shot ever.
Went to the boat, and collected the duck. Brought it proudly to my grandmother, to make lunch next day!
My best shot ever!
Many months and years ago. But I remember as vividly as it was yesterday.
And view from same balcony today (except is windy day today). The palms to the left, 30 years ago were below balcony level.
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