I have the mantix x10 for my daily 1911.
If you're using a Mantis on a handgun, understand something that is obvious, but needs to be said. The device has to go on something.
It goes on the rail under your barrel, or on an attachment on the bottom of a magazine.
This is noted because it may not fit and run in your holster, understand that. My main carry holster doesn't work with it.
Now, that simple, kind of obvious, but kind of not, bit, out of the way.
I run a 1911, which has a thumb safety, the thumb safety has a positive CLICK when being moved, and should, you don't pussyfoot around with it.
When I do the holster draw analysis, essentially the whole reason I bought the device, it will register that safety coming off as the shot.
It's an issue, sometimes... and sometimes for whatever reason it works alright. There are adjustments you can make to help, I've done them and it still has this issue, sometimes.
Ambient noise can make a difference, sensitivity settings and so on.
Point is, test it in different areas, no TV on, no fans running, and so on, to see if any of that helps, if, that's if, you have issues.
But yes, by all appearances it works, it helps, if it gets you to practice more it's worth it, it's neat. Cool to look at the information gathered and the movement paths you make, these are really neat to observe, especially around the shot break.
Neat device, no idea about how it works on other shooting devices though.