It's not the number of times you did something ...but the knowledge to do it correctly I wrong ? Seems headspace gauges kinda need a bolt to work ....why do they make them ? If the bolt is not required ?
OK, Since you have the "knowledge to do it correctly" you tell me. Where and how is the headspace "adjusted"?
I'll enlighten you, it's where the barrel screws into the receiver. To adjust the headspace the barrel is screwed in until the bolt closes on the "go" gauge. Then the "no-go" gauge is inserted and the bolt should not close. When you do this, I've had the best results with the extracter removed so the gauge is set square and flush on the bolt face. Yes, I've had them where the owner attempted to do it himself and told me the headspacing is "off" and everything checks out fine.
On the belted magnums (I own three) there is ONE gauge for all - this is why people say the "headspace" is set on the "belt" - yes, it is, however if the chamber is not cut true there could be issues with chambering a round - but that's not "headspace".
Barrels are tough to get off (typically) and most rimfires that I'm familiar with, the barrel is not screwed in/on (except Ruger 22s) the are pressed in and pinned. Savages have the external nut that requires a special tool and I've had them where either the barrel is screwed too far in or the nut is cracked because someone decided to apply excessive torque.
Action blocks are specific to make and model for a reason, too much torque trying to unscrew the barrel and you twist the action and it's ruined; too much heat to get the barrel off and you ruin the action.
Let the barrel slip in the vise and it's scratched deeply.
Again, on a slip on/in barrel (AR platform) and a 2 piece bolt, ABSOLUTELY, for replacing a bolt in a bolt action rifle you can check the headspace, however, IMO on this weapon you're wasting time and money. If it makes you feel better and helps you sleep at night, then by all means buy the set and check it. Probably you'll use the gauges once in your lifetime unless you decide to replace the barrel.
Numrich Gun Parts in New York does list the bolt assy complete however they are sold out (and I'm not sure of their ship overseas policy).
If I were headed to SA, I would find a bolt and deliver it to this guy, and I'd check the weapon and I'd test fire it. Then I'd measure the fired case, but, given the original symptoms (Owner removing the bolt and misplacing it) I'd have no problem getting this rifle up and running. Just need the serial number to verify which model and caliber to ensure the weapons is as originally manufactured.
from Brownells website:
Determine Correct Headspace
With the exception of the .240 Weatherby Magnum, most belted, magnum cartridges are based on the .375 H&H Magnum case. Therefore, they all use the same headspace gauges. The following is a partial listing of those cartridges which use the same Belted Magnum Headspace Gauges: .257 Weatherby Mag., 6.5 Rem. Mag., .264 Win. Mag., .270 Weatherby Mag., 7mm Rem. Mag., 7mm Weatherby Mag., 7mm STW, .300 H&H Mag., .300 Weatherby Mag., .300 Win. Mag., .30-.338 Win. Mag., .308 Norma Mag., 8mm Rem., .338 Win. Mag., .340 Weatherby Mag., .350 Rem. Mag., .358 Norma Mag., .375 H&H Mag., .416 Rem. Mag., .458 Win. Mag.