After a while back in the US my mind has finally settled down and decided to allow me put this tale to pen. I’m still struggling with how to start or finish the story but here we go.
Quarry – Non-exportable elephant. The government mandates that it must be a bull at least 35 years of age. 100% of the animal goes to the local community.
Destination – Ja’qna Concession, Tsumkwe, Namibia (AKA Bushmanland). We were adjacent to Khaudum National Park and only about 30 miles from the Botswana border.
Travel went as follows:
Quarry – Non-exportable elephant. The government mandates that it must be a bull at least 35 years of age. 100% of the animal goes to the local community.
Destination – Ja’qna Concession, Tsumkwe, Namibia (AKA Bushmanland). We were adjacent to Khaudum National Park and only about 30 miles from the Botswana border.
Travel went as follows:
- United Airlines from Atlanta to Washington DC (Dulles) – 2 hours
- Overnight stay
- Ethiopian Airlines to Addis Ababa – 13 hours
- 2 hour window to get through customs and get on the next plane
- The airline had a representative escort me to the baggage handling area to check my weapon.
- Back through security and a sprint to the gate
- Ethiopian on to Windhoek – 7 hours
- Quick and easy through customs and firearms check
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