Seven-day quarantine for tourists scrapped
Tourism loses N $ 115.7 million due to cancellations
Francoise Steynberg - Since the announcement of the implementation of the tourism revival plan protocol and reopening of Hosea Kutako International Airport (HKIA) on September 1, no reservations have been made by tourists and the country has lost N $ 115.7 million due to cancellations.
The announcement was made yesterday by the Minister of the Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Mr. Pohamba Shifeta, made that led to new adjustments in the protocol of the tourism revival plan to attract more tourists.
"This has a direct negative impact on the cash flow of businesses which has led to further salary cuts and / or redundancies. "It forced us to reconsider our approach," Shifeta said.
Therefore, strict Covid-19 regulations for international tourists such as the seven-day quarantine had to be scrapped, which the tourism industry welcomed.
"The tourism sector is highly competitive and Namibia must compete against other countries worldwide to attract tourists."
Shifeta acknowledged the fact that other countries in the region had opened their borders with fewer restrictions harmed Namibia.
"There are still discussions in the system, but tourists are hoping for more attractive protocols and measures.
"To find a balance between saving human lives and saving people's livelihoods, the protocol had to be changed," Shifeta said.
Protocol that has changed includes: If tourists land on HKIA, they may continue to travel to a pre-booked destination and participate in planned tourism activities at the accommodation for the number of days the tourist stays there.
Shifeta says if the tourist wants to stay at the pre-booked place for less than five days, the tourist may travel to the next destination.
"Tourists must be available wherever they find themselves to provide a tissue sample for a Covid-19 test."
According to Shifeta, the tourists must also be reachable to receive the result of the test on day 7.
"If the result is negative, the tourist is exempt from any supervision. "If the test is positive, the tourist will be taken to an isolation facility identified by the Ministry of Health and Social Services and treated at their own expense and according to the national case management guidelines," Shifeta confirmed.
He also confirmed that the HKIA was ready for action and that bilateral aviation security agreements had been undertaken.
"We have received a positive response from major airlines, such as Ethiopian Airlines resuming flights on Friday, as well as the Lufthansa group landing on September 20."
According to the minister, Air Namibia also plans to resume its international flights.
The chairperson of the Tour and Safari Association (Tasa), me. Nathaly Ahrens, and the CEO of the Hospitality Association of Namibia (HAN), me. Gitta Paetzold, believes the new rules are a big step forward for tourism.
"We are very excited and thank our minister and all the role players who worked so hard to achieve this in such a way that our Namibians' health is also protected," said Ahrens.
"For the tourists, it means the freedom they seek to tour, along with the assurance that there is a health service that acts in their interest and conducts tests," Paetzold said.
"This is proof that teamwork and ongoing discussions with the ministry and the task team are bearing fruit. "We are very grateful that our government has kept an open door for us and listened to our interests and is prepared to adapt in the interests of our country and its people," she added.
The original version in Afrikaans below:
Sewe dae kwarantyn vir toeriste geskrap
Toerisme verloor N$115,7 miljoen weens kansellasies
Francoise Steynberg - Sedert die aankondiging van die implementering van die toerismeherlewingsplan-protokol en heropening van die Internasionale Lughawe Hosea Kutako (HKIA) op 1 September, is geen besprekings deur toeriste gemaak nie en die land het weens kansellasies N$115,7 miljoen verloor.
Die aankondiging is gister deur die minister van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme, mnr. Pohamba Shifeta, gemaak wat gelei het tot nuwe aanpassings in die protokol van die toerismeherlewingsplan om meer toeriste te lok.
“Dit het ’n direkte negatiewe impak op die kontantvloei van besighede wat gelei het tot verdere salarisbesnoeiings en/of afdankings. Dit het ons gedwing om ons benadering te heroorweeg,” het Shifeta gesê.
Daarom moes streng Covid-19-regulasies vir internasionale toeriste soos onder meer die sewe dae kwarantyn geskrap word, waaroor die toerismebedryf verheug is.
“Die toerismesektor is hoogs mededingend en Namibië moet teen ander lande wêreldwyd meeding om toeriste te lok.”
Shifeta het erken die feit dat ander lande in die streek hul grense met minder beperkinge oopgemaak het, het Namibië benadeel.
“Daar is steeds besprekings in die stelsel, maar toeriste hoop op meer aanloklike protokol en maatreëls.
“Om ’n balans te vind tussen menselewens te red en die lewensbestaan van mense te red, moes die protokol verander word,” het Shifeta gesê.
Protokol wat verander het, behels onder meer: As toeriste op HKIA land, mag hulle verder reis na ’n voorafbespreekte bestemming en deelneem aan beplande toerisme-aktiwiteite by die akkommodasieplek vir die aantal dae wat die toeris daar bly.
Shifeta sê indien die toeris minder as vyf dae by die voorafbespreekte plek wil bly, mag die toeris na die volgende bestemming reis.
“Toeriste moet wel beskikbaar wees waar hulle hulself ook al bevind om ’n weefselmonster vir ’n Covid-19-toets te verskaf.”
Volgens Shifeta moet die toeriste ook bereikbaar wees om die resultaat van die toets op dag 7 te ontvang.
“Indien die uitslag negatief is, is die toeris vrygestel van enige toesig. As die toets positief is, sal die toeris na ’n isolasiefasiliteit geïdentifiseer deur die ministerie van gesondheid en maatskaplike dienste geneem word en op hul eie koste en volgens die nasionale riglyne vir gevallebestuur behandel word,” het Shifeta bevestig.
Hy het ook bevestig dat die HKIA slaggereed is en dat bilaterale lugvaartveiligheidsooreenkomste onderneem is.
“Ons het positiewe reaksie van groot lugrederye ontvang, soos Ethiopian Airlines wat vlugte Vrydag hervat, asook die Lufthansa-groep wat op 20 September land.”
Volgens die minister beplan Air Namibia ook om sy internasionale vlugte te hervat.
Die voorsitter van die Toer- en Safarivereniging (Tasa), me. Nathaly Ahrens, en die uitvoerende hoof van die Gasvryheidsvereniging van Namibië (HAN), me. Gitta Paetzold, meen die nuwe reëls is ’n groot stap vorentoe vir toerisme.
“Ons is baie opgewonde en bedank ons minister en al die rolspelers wat so hard daaraan gewerk het om hierdie te bewerkstellig op só ’n manier dat ons Namibiërs se gesondheid ook beskerm word,” het Ahrens gesê.
“Vir die toeriste beteken dit die vryheid wat hulle soek om te toer, tesame met die versekering dat daar ’n gesondheidsdiens is wat in hul belang optree en toetse uitvoer,” het Paetzold gesê.
“Dit is ’n bewys dat spanwerk en voortdurende gesprekke met die ministerie en die taakspan vrugte afwerp. Ons is baie dankbaar dat ons regering vir ons ’n oop deur gehou en na ons belange geluister het en bereid is om aan te pas in die belang van ons land en sy mense,” het sy bygevoeg.