AH veteran
Been reading the forums for a few months, but first post.
Heading out on my first Safari in three weeks, so the excitement is starting to build. Working on shooting off sticks now, most of the planning done. A few questions I'm sure will still pop up. Really happy with the amount of info in the forums.
Leaving July 17th through ALT, Hunting plains game in RSA, using outfitters rifle, will be 2X1 spot n stock hunt over 10 days.
Seams two of the most gray areas are the whole taxidermy/shipping areas, and tipping. Any advice would be helpful.
Heading out on my first Safari in three weeks, so the excitement is starting to build. Working on shooting off sticks now, most of the planning done. A few questions I'm sure will still pop up. Really happy with the amount of info in the forums.
Leaving July 17th through ALT, Hunting plains game in RSA, using outfitters rifle, will be 2X1 spot n stock hunt over 10 days.
Seams two of the most gray areas are the whole taxidermy/shipping areas, and tipping. Any advice would be helpful.