I bought my 1895 GBL new in 2016.
Out of the box, a couple minor problems
1. Front sight dove tail was so loose, I was able to push it out with my fingers. Wasn't that big of a problem for me because I was replacing the OEM sights with XS sights (front and rear) when I discovered that issue
2. first time I disassembled and re-assembled, the fore end didn't line up well and I broke the head of one of the tenon screws. Ordered a new pair from Brownell's, which the shipping cost more than the new screws.
Accuracy - mine has stellar accuracy.
I shoot 4 different bullets out of mine
1. Hornady FTX 325 gr
2. Missouri Bullet Company Buffalo #1 405 gr
3. Beartooth Bullets Piledriver, Junior 425 gr
4. Beartooth Bullets Piledriver 525 gr
FTX I push along just north of 2K fps. The other 3 are lead alloys, and I push all 3 of them at around 1600-1625. Recoil is stiff, but not unbearable.
With all 4 bullets, I've been able to work up loads where I get at least 2 out of 5 touching from 100 yards.
Keep in mind it is a lever, and if you shoot the barrel hot, you'll start getting vertical stringing.