Minimum Equipment Requirements for Bow hunting in South Africa
- Big Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 80 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 700 grain
(Elephant, Rhino, Hippo, Buffalo)
- Medium Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 70 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 550 grain
(Kudu, Eland, Oryx / Gemsbok, Hartebeest, Wildebeest, Zebra, Giraffe, Sable Antelope, Roan Antelope, Waterbuck, Tsessebe, etc.)
- Small Game
Bow Kinetic Energy 40 ft/lbs
Arrow Weight 400 grain
(Warthog, Nyala, Springbok, Impala, Blesbok, Duiker, Steenbok, Ostrich, Caracal, Black-Backed Jackal, Game Birds, etc.)
Minimum Equipment Requirements for Rifle Hunting in South Africa
- Most provinces do not have a minimum equipment requirement for rifle hunting and rely on common sense.
- Some provinces require a minimum of .375 caliber for dangerous or big game hunting.
- No provinces require a minimum energy (Eo - muzzle velocity) for calibers used.
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