Welcome aboard Steel Candy. Your rifle (caliber) and bullet combination will serve you well for the game you mentioned. Dude those Eland are big. Some are over a ton. You will however need to make your first shot a very good one. You will be inundated with offers from the Outfitter / Sponsors of AH. Start by making a spreadsheet of the offers and prices. When you get it narrowed to one or two ask them what they think. The guys here will give you a straight answer. I lived and hunted in PA for a while back in the 70(s) when I was working on Nuclear Power Plants. Please tell us a little more about yourself as it relates to hunting. Things like what have you hunted in the past, what kind and caliber rifle(s) do you own, do you reload.
I have hunted everything Pa has to off except bear. Some huge black near here, over 800 pounds but they are not always easy to find. Now for what I actually taken, deer, hogs, turkey, all of the small game, elk and 1 thing I was not planning on. Deer, feral hogs and elk all with my old .270 Win, miss that rifle. Deer, feral hogs and a coyote with a .300 Win Mag, small game with .22 and shotgun.
I was hunting private property near a high fence area and met 1 of their employees that mentioned they had a semi aggressive watusi that was out of his area. Less than 20 minutes later said watusi and I met up less than 40 yards away. He lowered his head, stomped the ground and I told the guy if it took 1 step towards me I was head shooting it. To make a long story short, .300 Win Mag between the eyes made it turn, 1 more behind the ear dropped it. Range was about 25 - 30 yards. I am not looking for that kind of excitement again. Weight was around 2000 pounds. I consider this to be my biggest hunting failure in letting it get that close before noticing it.
Currently I own 2 .308 AR 10s (1st AR10s and 1st .308), 30-30, .300 Win Mag, .22 LR, .22 Mag, AR 15 in 5.56, 6.8 SPC and .44 Mag. The ARs are semi auto, 30-30 is lever action and the rest bolt action. Favorite is the .300. Due to living in town at the moment I cannot reload, stupid regs on loose powder.