Obama and Egypt


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May 29, 2009
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Bushbuck, I think alot of people were all ready thinking of that idea. I believe that is why so many of the "tea party members" were elected. I also think that if Obama keeps pushing the working class, to make up for those who refuse to work, and rewarding the big business industries for move jobs oversea's, his new address might just be the curb. I won't get on my soapbox about this knucklehead, but, I don't have a very high opinion of this man. Scott.
What worries me the most is that I don't know if the Republicans have anyone that can beat him in 2012. Sitting presidents almost always get a second term.
Jimmy Carter sat one term, and I guess now, is no longer the worst US president in our history. That being said, we had to have a Jimmy Carter to get a Ronald Regan, so, maybe the next Republican to be pres will be as strong as Regan. Getting perched on my soapbox here, but, even a bad Rep Pres. that "believes and upholds our constitution" will be better than Mr. Obama. I really don't think he'll get a second term as long as we do our job and vote him out. Scott.
I share the above concerns as to getting rid of the man-child socialist Obama. No one right now seems to have the Reagan stuff and its tough to beat the incumbent without someone with lots of pizzazz. I admire Palin but dont think she is electable due to the press going so negative on her and she has more charisma than the rest of the field all rolled into one. We need another Reagan but I dont know who that is. If the economy picks up a lot next year, Obama wins. However if SCOTUS tosses Obamacare and unemployment is still over 8 percent he can be beat.

Agreed, that it is hard to beat incumbents, but, the Tea Party elected officials that are fighting for what the Majority of Americans believe in, God I'm about to get on my soapbox, and I appoligize in advance if I offend anyone. This idiot has the lowest approval rating of any other president in history. He has spent more in his first 2 years in office than any former Pres has in their term.
Putting it into perspective, take (which he has spent several) one trillion dollars. Now there are 365 days in a year and Christ died 2011 years ago, multiply 2011 and 365 come up to roughly 734000 days, then divide a trillion by 734000, put this number in front of any Democrat or Republican and they cannot argue with the facts. He has spent more than 1,400,000.00 per day since the death of Christ (which incidently he doesn't believe in)....
The Big business bail outs, and his Healthcare Bill is just the icing on the cake. We have to vote him out, we have no choice. I know I'm probably preaching to the chior here, but, I educate the "on the fence people" in my community, I advise everyone to do the same.
Be sure to bring up the good things he has done, that's right, he hasn't.
I'll be here all week folks. Thanks Scott. And by the way it is a huge concern of mine as well, if he get's re elected the US will never be the same again.
You and I at least are on the same page, cannot speak for others of course. Its amazing to me how many people on OUR side voted for this moron. I remember some years ago, a guy driving a big FORD p/up had an NRA sticker on one side of the rear window and a Clinton Gore sticker on the other side!! And of late I have seen Republicans for Obama, and even Gun Owners for Obama. Too many suckers in this country that have the big govt handout, cradle to grave care, dont want to work, its owed to me attitude. Please let us all vote against Obama, no matter who runs.
I'll join the soapbox, I don't care at all for Obama. He is bankrupting this country...we will pay for his mistakes for at least the next decade...he is a idiot. I hope the drones monitoring the internet report to him what I said (lol). Because I would say it to his face. Bail outs and hand outs are getting old!!!

I agree, I found it extremely disturbing to see these big Dodge pick ups with the camo interiors, brush guards, gunracks, everything that would lead you to believe that the person driving was an avide outdoorsman. The Chrysler plant in Fenton, MO. had alot of avid hunters and outdoorsman, many of which I knew. Then, as you previously mentioned, you would see the "sportsmen for Carnahan" or the Gore stickers. These are the drones that because the union conviced them that these politicians were pro-union that they should vote for them. The commercials and ads were great too. The first time these politician ever had a gun in their hand and it just so happens there is a cameraman there, hmmm. Anyway, those same guys are now unemployed and the Chrysler building is about two thirds of the way down to the ground, they closed the plant and moved it and they are tearing it down. These are the people who's eye's I try to open.

As you mentioned, I would reather see anyone in office right now who isn't Mr. Obama. Told you I'd be here all week. Scott
This is a somewhat dated thread, but I'll add my two cents.

I served a career in the Navy and am now civilian DoD, continuing the work I did while on active duty. He and his minions are disassembling much of our national security apparatus. In many ways, it's back to the Clinton years, but on steroids.

But at least the damage done by Clinton and his cronies were accompanied by our budget being brought under control. NO credit for this belongs to the Democrats, of course, and Clinton should get little credit, because it was only after the Gingrich revolution of 1994, when Clinton pissed off the American people immediately after taking office by jacking everyone's taxes up, that he lost control of both houses of Congress and fiscal responsibility was shoved down his throat. While the left, including the main stream media, continues to claim credit for a balanced budget and blaming Bush for the crisis, the truth is, Clinton's projected budgets, with the Democrats running Congress, had record deficits going all the way through 2002, two years after he would have had to leave office. It was only when the Conservative House under Newt Gingrich forced him to come to terms with his outrageous spending, even while he butchered our military, that things were brought under control.

And by the way, it took a SHUTTING DOWN of the federal goverment to accomplish this.

Also, most of the problems which brought about the financial melt down were accomplished in 1994 under the Democrats. Shame on the Republicans for not fixing it. They tried, ran into resistance by the Democrats, and then gave up. Shame on them for allowing the minority party to dictate policy!

The problem this time around is the foolish American people left the Senate in the hands of the Democrats, and either reelected or put in several new RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) who are screwing up our chances of actually getting things under control this time.

I work for the federal government, and it will be bad for me if the government has to shut down because I'm likely to be furloughed without pay. I don't want that to happen.... and it will certainly put a dent in my budget for planning my Africa hunt, but you know what? Certain things take priority, and if that's what it's going to have to take to wake people up to FORCE Congress to take action to get our house in order, then so be it!

Don't tell my wife I'm saying this, she gets very upset with me when I tell her this. But I'm serious. I'm not so selfish as to think the world revolves around me. We conservatives, wherever we are, need to stick together and force some discipline. What the USA needs is some adult leadership, and right now, it's only coming from a few strong personalities in the House.

For the LIFE of me I cannot see how people can be so stupid and/or so corrupt as to keep electing the likes of Barney Franks, Chuck Schumer, Barbara Boxer, Sheila Jackson-Lee, Dick (the turban) Durbin, etc., etc. These people are unfit to hold office and ought to be sent packing ASAP.

And Obama is the worst of them. The man is singularly unqualified to be president. ZERO management experience let alone executive management experience. ZERO qualifications of any sort. His only claim to fame is being a polished public speaker. But even THAT is only when he has his teleprompters in front of him. SERIOUSLY! Get him off his practiced message and he fumbles about like a confused puppy. George W. Bush was not a polished speaker, although he could do fairly well with a speach in front of him. But he at least had management/executive management experience. His legacy is a mixed bag of good and bad decisions, but at least the man wasn't a raving socialist bent on destroying the very foundations of our society.

This current administration is the worst of the worst. With only a handful of exceptions, his political appointees are the WHO'S WHO of the anti-American radical left, bent on laying our society to waste so when they're kicked out of office, there will be no way to put things back together again.

Make no mistake about it. They hate everything about this country and want to create a new society. Obama said it time and time again if only the masses would have had their craniums out of their rectal cavities long enough to hear it!

He said he planned to bring "fundamental change to America!" Well, he did. It's called bankruptcy, unilateral disarmament, and utter chaos!

Now, I'll get off my soapbox....
Well buddy you done went and said a mouthful and I agree with every damn word of it too!! Thanks for your service to our country.
Good post ILCAPO and I also thank you for your service. Dont worry about the shutdown. It will not effect your budget. The last time the Govenment shut down every Government employee that was not paid received there full back pay. If by chance the Government shuts down again even for a day, every employee will still get paid for not working. Use it as a paid vacation and Family time. Maybe you can finally attend that wonderful Cowboy poet festival Mr Reed is willing to allow the Country to shut down to protect.
Actually, this time, we're talking unpaid leave for civilians. And unpaid work for military, with them getting paid later. It's going to be tougher. But the point is, if we have to shut down, it won't likely be for a very long time. The Democrats want to do it, regardless of their public claims, because they want to blame the Republicans for it, just like they did last time, and have their media cronies help them spread their propaganda. They're trying to demonize the Republicans for being fiscally responsible. Hell, it's not even all that much. They started at $100 billion but agreed to $61 billion, but the Democrats offered a paltry $4 billion, and now are saying $33 billion, and not a penny more. That's only one-third of the original figure the Republicans were looking for and doesn't even begin to deal with the deficit problem.

The problem with the Democrats is, when they're in power, they run slipshod over everyone, jamming their agenda, regardless as to how unpopular it may be, down our throats, all the while saying "ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES! WE'RE IN CHARGE!" But when they loose an election, even when they get their clocks cleaned like happened in November, they still act like they're in charge!

THEY LOST the election. It's time for the Republican House to run slipshod over them for a while. Won't happen because of the Senate and Obama, but the idea that we should settle for a mere $33 billion, and a huge chunk of that coming out of national defense, which is one of the few things the federal government does which IS a constitutional duty of the federal government, is ludicras.

We're dealing with the basics of economics here. I have my masters in international business management and economics, but it doesn't take my level of education to understand just how bankrupting the policies coming out of Washington have been. What kills me is, the Democrats won in 2008 by claiming Bush and the Republicans spent too much! Then, once in power, they tripled down on the spending, and are now saying even that's not enough! Please!
Again, RIGHT ON!
Again you are spot on. But dont think they will allow the government to be shut down to long. They will only use it to blame the republicans, but then they will worry that the public will feel Government is a much better size with it shut down and they dont want that. After all, one of the biggest lay offs will be in the IRS audit dept.
Exactly Bushbuck. In fact, a colleague of mine (USAF LTC) just said that this morning. He says most of the country will say, "Yeah? So? Doesn't effect me!" And the Democrats will suddenly find themselves having to do something.

The point is it may come to a shut down, but they're already setting up for the lies and misinformation campaign and are working very closely with some of their sycophants in the media. This morning our local radio talk show host noted than Speaker Boehner offered something up the Republicans put together, which Reid and Obama have already turned down. The Democrats keep playing the propaganda stream that if the government shuts down, our troops will be placed in jeopardy and their families won't get paid. The GOP has countered saying this isn't so, and that critical services won't be effected. To guarantee the military won't be effected, they offered a one week continuing resolution, with a full budget for the military. That is, they'll go ahead and finance the military portion of the budget for the entire year, RIGHT NOW, while providing enough money for the rest of the government to run for another week. This way they take the military issue off the table. Response from the Democrats? They've cried foul!

So they just proved their trying to sound the sympathy bugle for the military is nothing more than hot air. It's blustering for the cameras and public consumption. In reality, they'd love to do another hatchet job on the military, even as we're at war, and then fully finance the other areas. Why? Because while the military tends to vote 70 percent plus for the GOP, most other federal agencies are Democrat heavy. Law enforcement tends to be more like the military. FBI and all the other bureaus tend to be Republican heavy. Outside that, most federal employees, especially those who are NOT what is called "exempt service" like us, but are rather "civil service" lean heavily to the left and vote Democrat.

The break down tends to be like this. Other than State Department, which IS a constitutionally mandated responsibility of the federal government, pretty much most of the mandated functions are filled with conservative Americans who heavily tend to vote Republican. All the other agencies, especially those like the EPA and Department of Education, etc., which were added in the 20th century and have gone way beyond the limits on federal authority granted by the constitution, are heavily ladened with Democrats. Why? Because they're MAKE WORK agencies. While there certainly are some useful functions in some of these agencies, and there are some very fine and good people, my experience in dealing with some of them is they're filled with pretty much NO LOADS. To put it bluntly, overall, they're employment agencies for the otherwise unemployable.

I'll leave it at that for now.
You are correct again. But a little update here on that proposal to fund the Military. This is a seperate proposal brought forth by Boehner. It would fund the military and see to it that our soldiers would receive there pay. the administration and the media is trying to paint this as the same proposal as the budget and saying they are holding the budget hostage with this military option. Its a flat out Lie!! The president said about paying our military----"Its a distraction" Thats right....ITS A DISTRACTION.

For shame..
They don't want the military separated from anything else. THEY are the ones holding things hostage.

For people who simply don't understand the differences between the base philosophy of the right and left, it's this.

Conservatives believe the federal government should remain within the boundaries of the United States Constitution, carrying out those functions for which it is designed. There is otherwise no ambiguity in the Constitution. It plainly states in no uncertain terms in the tenth amendment, ANY POWERS NOT GRANTED TO THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN THE CONSTITUTION REMAIN WITH THE VARIOUS STATES OR WITH THE PEOPLE. If the roles are going to be changed, this requires a Constitutional Amendment, which itself requires a two-thirds vote by Congress and passage by three-quarters of the State legislatures. In other words, only through a supermajority approving a change to the United States Constitution can the federal government step outside the box the Constitution places it in.

Progressives (I don't even call them liberals anymore, because that's an insult to our founders who were classic liberals). PROGRESSIVES = LEFTISTS = SOCIALISTS, on the other hand, believe the Constitution can mean whatever they want it to mean at any given moment, as dictated by the rubber-stamping political activist judges they love to place on the bench for such purpose. In their view, which was stated bluntly by Congressman Peter Stark of California last year, "the government can do whatever it wants." In other words, in their opinion, whatever the Democrats say is law. They are dictators.

My emails at work contain this quote... which I hold close to my heart as it was spoken by a man many of us revere and who knew of which he spoke....

“The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their Constitutions of government. But the Constitution which at any time exists, ‘till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole People, is sacredly obligatory upon all.”

-- George Washington, Farewell Address, September 19, 1796

Them are powerful words, but words which have fallen on deaf ears in the government for many years. Words which have been ignored for longer than any of us have been alive. It's time to move the pendulum back to the right.


P.S. I always say, there's a reason we conservatives are called the "right." It's because we're correct. ; )

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