Odd hunt policy


AH legend
May 2, 2011
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Anyone ever hear of a policy like this?

Hunt is over once game is taken, wounded, or hunter shot and missed at 3 different animals from the same hunted specie. If hunt is on trophy fee basis, trophy fee applies under the same terms
No, but I don't know that I would have an issue with it. Kind of an interesting idea...
Never heard of this one before. Interesting. In my mind anyone who misses three shots inside their comfortable range should probably find another hobby. I can kind of see the point of the outfitter. How many opportunities should we expect them to provide. I might agree with the end of the hunt idea, but I am not so sure about the full trophy fee.
maybe this outfitter had an issue with a hunter intentionally missing??...a hunter could get all the benefit of the hunt and stalking, and even taking a shot, day after day, and the outfitter would get nothing but day fees for all his efforts, which the hunter could have ground down to near nothing in his negotiations. some people will take advantage wherever then can, which results in these types of policies I suppose....
I have heard of the policy, can't remember the outfitter....but I use to research 100's of companies a year.
Ya if you miss 3 opportunities you need to take up golf or knitting, still something spawned this policy. Are there that many guys who shoot that badly out there that this was required?
Ya if you miss 3 opportunities you need to take up golf or knitting, still something spawned this policy. Are there that many guys who shoot that badly out there that this was required?

There are enough and obviously this Outfitter has had his share or at least one REALLY bad one.

You have all heard the stories of the guys showing up with a new gun and brand new duds.
Some show up without the firearm evening being bore sighted and never having shot it.

Imagine a hunter that does not even speak any of the languages you do and you have to PH him.

A campfire tale I heard:
The PH and Hunter have stalked up on the quarry. The Hunter is lined up on his rifle ready to go and the PH is judging the animal for trophy quality.

He is right beside the hunter and he just whispers; "Don't..".
The PH does not get to finish the sentence and the rifle goes off.
Down goes the critter. WTF? Never mind the ear ringing and being startled out of your wits.

The guy was so jacked up that any noise from the PH was license to shoot.

The solution the PH used was creative. From that point on he held his hand over the hunters scope.
When he removed his hand it was time to shoot.

They get everything.
From that point on he held his hand over the hunters scope.
When he removed his hand it was time to shoot.

LOL it takes all types
That story doesn't surprise me Brickburn.

I know people that I've deer hunted with that shoot a couple so shots every year to sight in a rifle and then a shot at a deer, that's it. I would THINK that someone going to Africa would be better prepared than that, but.... I'm sure it isn't uncommon that they aren't.
A campfire tale I heard:
The PH and Hunter have stalked up on the quarry. The Hunter is lined up on his rifle ready to go and the PH is judging the animal for trophy quality.

He is right beside the hunter and he just whispers; "Don't..".
The PH does not get to finish the sentence and the rifle goes off.
Down goes the critter. WTF? Never mind the ear ringing and being startled out of your wits.

The guy was so jacked up that any noise from the PH was license to shoot.

The solution the PH used was creative. From that point on he held his hand over the hunters scope.
When he removed his hand it was time to shoot.

They get everything.[/QUOTE]

ha ha ha ,mate id love to see the video of that .:clap:
Anyone ever hear of a policy like this?

Hunt is over once game is taken, wounded, or hunter shot and missed at 3 different animals from the same hunted specie. If hunt is on trophy fee basis, trophy fee applies under the same terms

Any hunter that wouldn't agree to that policy I wouldn't take hunting.

That been said i'd be a little careful with generalizations. I think you have to consider the hunter and the conditions. Hitting a Klipspringer standing on a rock behind a tree at 200 yards or so in the Matetsi Gorge after hiking in the 110ï½° sun all day is a lot different shot than the typical wildebeest harvest in South Africa.

Yes I missed two of them on two separate days before I connected. My PH was more disappointed than I was embarrassed, but he literally dragged me out of the camp on day three to do it again.

By the way, I insisted we hit the range first and it turned out my scope got bumped or something, the rifle was shooting a couple inches low, not enough to miss anything over hundred pounds but enough to miss a Klippy.

Third time, after a few shots at the paper, was a charm. Problem solved. Turned out it was a good thing too, sometimes these things must happen for the best because the one I got broke 5 inches!

Had my professional hunter not had confidence in my ability and put me right back into the saddle I would've probably not been successful.
Any hunter that wouldn't agree to that policy I wouldn't take hunting.

That been said i'd be a little careful with generalizations. I think you have to consider the hunter and the conditions. Hitting a Klipspringer standing on a rock behind a tree at 200 yards or so in the Matetsi Gorge after hiking in the 110ï½° sun all day is a lot different shot than the typical wildebeest harvest in South Africa.

Yes I missed two of them on two separate days before I connected. My PH was more disappointed than I was embarrassed, but he literally dragged me out of the camp on day three to do it again.

By the way, I insisted we hit the range first and it turned out my scope got bumped or something, the rifle was shooting a couple inches low, not enough to miss anything over hundred pounds but enough to miss a Klippy.

Third time, after a few shots at the paper, was a charm. Problem solved. Turned out it was a good thing too, sometimes these things must happen for the best because the one I got broke 5 inches!

Had my professional hunter not had confidence in my ability and put me right back into the saddle I would've probably not been successful.

Ya but I don't imagine they had bumped scopes or even brush deflections in mind when they made the policy. There is definitely the bad luck factor that can strike anyone.
The kill isn't everything, if I am successful on day 2 but have booked a 10 day hunt I don't want to be dropped off back in town to wait for my flight home!
Anyone ever hear of a policy like this?

Hunt is over once game is taken, wounded, or hunter shot and missed at 3 different animals from the same hunted specie. If hunt is on trophy fee basis, trophy fee applies under the same terms

In response to the above, firstly I like to say that I beleive it is the Outfitters right to excersise specific clauses and conditions, as they require, dependant on the nature of that operators buisness, so long as those specific conditions are made clear and known to any perspective hunters, and included formally on any contractual paperwork.

I also think that it is the safari hunter's right to inform himself/herself of the specific operating proceedures and clauses of any said company and decide if those procedures and clauses match their expectaions.

From a personal prespective, as well as a safari outfitter myself, I dissagree with several of the clauses stated in the above.

Firstly, I beleive a 10 day package is 10 full days, period.
If I was a recreational hunter booking one week of hunting then that is exactly what I would be expecting to do, one week of hunting.

With my own clients, if we happen to take a nice bull on the very first day of hunting, which happens, we then spend the remaining time, photographing, fishing, exploring and having b.b.q's on the beach.
I spend more than enough time in Hotels each year to want to spend more time when on a hunt.

Even if you don't want to up-grade to more animals and have time remaining.... there is always something exciting to do when in a "foreign" hunting camp/location.
I understand that this policy of ending the hunt on taking the Trophy is common, particularily in Europe, but I personally dissagree with this policy.

I also strongly dissagree with the policy of ending the hunt if the client misses more than three of the same species.
What complete garbage !

Any animal wounded, as per world wide standards, should be accounted for as a payable Trophy, but MISSED SHOTS !
Are they serious ???

I've been outfitting for over 10 years now with client representation from most European countries, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, N.Z, Africa and maybe some places I've forotten so I can cleary say I have seen my share of "varying" displays of firearms profficiency.
SO WHAT ! we all have varying degrees of profficiency, we all have good days and we all have bad days.

Ofcourse i'm dissapointed if a client misses a shot.
Yes, I begin to scratch my head if that same client misses another one, a day or two later, and yes if we're getting towards the end of the hunt and he misses a third, fourth or fifth you get towards "the end of your threads", but you get over it, and on with the job of getting that hunter his Trophy.
You check the gunsights and the shooter over the bench after the first miss and usually correct any hiccups or nerves with a relaxed bench session, not by ending his hunt.

To me, an outfit employs these kind of conditions have lost sight of the fact that it is the client's hunt/experience not theirs, they are there to provide the service and the experience.

There, I got it off my cheast ! :smoking:
I don't like the last part of it either... there are many of us out there that are maybe not the best shot in the world, or just have some bad luck.

On my first and only hunt to Africa I came close to that 3 X's and you out. I missed 2 kudu's & 2 springbok's before connecting on the third shots. Except for the first kudu (around 100yrds) all other shots were longer than I normally shoot here, except on the gopher fields.

I did practice a fair bit before I left, but not as much as I would have liked, but with -30C weather & a very late spring in my area (snow finally melted the weekend before I left for Africa).

It is the job of the PH to get your chances on the animal, and yes it is the hunter's job to take it. However, if you have paid for it already (trophy fee) you should have as many tries as you need to get it.

Heck I had a pre paid 5 animal package when I went. We spent 2 hard days trying to get my warthog. Saw many, but none big enough for my PH. I got credited back for not getting one.
I don't like the last part of it either... there are many of us out there that are maybe not the best shot in the world, or just have some bad luck.

On my first and only hunt to Africa I came close to that 3 X's and you out. I missed 2 kudu's & 2 springbok's before connecting on the third shots. Except for the first kudu (around 100yrds) all other shots were longer than I normally shoot here, except on the gopher fields.

I did practice a fair bit before I left, but not as much as I would have liked, but with -30C weather & a very late spring in my area (snow finally melted the weekend before I left for Africa).

It is the job of the PH to get your chances on the animal, and yes it is the hunter's job to take it. However, if you have paid for it already (trophy fee) you should have as many tries as you need to get it.

Heck I had a pre paid 5 animal package when I went. We spent 2 hard days trying to get my warthog. Saw many, but none big enough for my PH. I got credited back for not getting one.

You hit on a good point there, even if they consider the animal "bought" after 3 attempts they should at least continue to hunt for it, especially since you have purchased the right to draw blood.
The kill isn't everything, if I am successful on day 2 but have booked a 10 day hunt I don't want to be dropped off back in town to wait for my flight home!

I agree. I have worked for outfitters with similar policy. Once you have killed out you no longer hunt or "pretend to hunt" there are however plenty of great activities such as fishing, hiking etc to fill the end of the time you have purchased with him.
In response to the above, firstly I like to say that I beleive it is the Outfitters right to excersise specific clauses and conditions, as they require, dependant on the nature of that operators buisness, so long as those specific conditions are made clear and known to any perspective hunters, and included formally on any contractual paperwork.

I also think that it is the safari hunter's right to inform himself/herself of the specific operating proceedures and clauses of any said company and decide if those procedures and clauses match their expectaions.

From a personal prespective, as well as a safari outfitter myself, I dissagree with several of the clauses stated in the above.

Firstly, I beleive a 10 day package is 10 full days, period.
If I was a recreational hunter booking one week of hunting then that is exactly what I would be expecting to do, one week of hunting.

With my own clients, if we happen to take a nice bull on the very first day of hunting, which happens, we then spend the remaining time, photographing, fishing, exploring and having b.b.q's on the beach.
I spend more than enough time in Hotels each year to want to spend more time when on a hunt.

Even if you don't want to up-grade to more animals and have time remaining.... there is always something exciting to do when in a "foreign" hunting camp/location.
I understand that this policy of ending the hunt on taking the Trophy is common, particularily in Europe, but I personally dissagree with this policy.

I also strongly dissagree with the policy of ending the hunt if the client misses more than three of the same species.
What complete garbage !

Any animal wounded, as per world wide standards, should be accounted for as a payable Trophy, but MISSED SHOTS !
Are they serious ???

I've been outfitting for over 10 years now with client representation from most European countries, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, N.Z, Africa and maybe some places I've forotten so I can cleary say I have seen my share of "varying" displays of firearms profficiency.
SO WHAT ! we all have varying degrees of profficiency, we all have good days and we all have bad days.

Ofcourse i'm dissapointed if a client misses a shot.
Yes, I begin to scratch my head if that same client misses another one, a day or two later, and yes if we're getting towards the end of the hunt and he misses a third, fourth or fifth you get towards "the end of your threads", but you get over it, and on with the job of getting that hunter his Trophy.
You check the gunsights and the shooter over the bench after the first miss and usually correct any hiccups or nerves with a relaxed bench session, not by ending his hunt.

To me, an outfit employs these kind of conditions have lost sight of the fact that it is the client's hunt/experience not theirs, they are there to provide the service and the experience.

There, I got it off my cheast ! :smoking:

Very well said. I couldn't agree more, it is everyones right to either choose to accept an outfitters conditions and the outfitters right to set forth any conditions he wants before an agreement is made but that still does not make his conditions "right". Well put. Its good to hear from outfitters who have a real commitment to pleasing their customers, that, no doubt, is why you have been successful for so long.
can anyone list the name(s) of outfitters with this "3-shots-you're-out" policy?
can anyone list the name(s) of outfitters with this "3-shots-you're-out" policy?

I can only give you the "first shot and follow up are ok, after that you pay!" policy.
Never saw it enforced.

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Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)
Spending a few years hunting out west then back to Africa!
mebawana wrote on MB_GP42's profile.
Hello. If you haven't already sold this rifle then I will purchase. Please advise. Thank you.
jbirdwell wrote on uplander01's profile.
I doubt you are interested in any trades but I was getting ready to list a Sauer 404 3 barrel set in the 10-12 price range if your interested. It has the 404J, 30-06 and 6.5 Creedmoor barrel. Only the 30-06 had been shot and it has 7 rounds through it as I was working on breaking the barrel in. It also has both the synthetic thumbhole stock and somewhere between grade 3-5 non thumbhole stock

Jaye Birdwell