Anyone ever hear of a policy like this?
Hunt is over once game is taken, wounded, or hunter shot and missed at 3 different animals from the same hunted specie. If hunt is on trophy fee basis, trophy fee applies under the same terms
In response to the above, firstly I like to say that I beleive it is the Outfitters right to excersise specific clauses and conditions, as they require, dependant on the nature of that operators buisness, so long as those specific conditions are made clear and known to any perspective hunters, and included formally on any contractual paperwork.
I also think that it is the safari hunter's right to inform himself/herself of the specific operating proceedures and clauses of any said company and decide if those procedures and clauses match their expectaions.
From a personal prespective, as well as a safari outfitter myself, I dissagree with several of the clauses stated in the above.
Firstly, I beleive a 10 day package is 10 full days, period.
If I was a recreational hunter booking one week of hunting then that is exactly what I would be expecting to do, one week of hunting.
With my own clients, if we happen to take a nice bull on the very first day of hunting, which happens, we then spend the remaining time, photographing, fishing, exploring and having b.b.q's on the beach.
I spend more than enough time in Hotels each year to want to spend more time when on a hunt.
Even if you don't want to up-grade to more animals and have time remaining.... there is always something exciting to do when in a "foreign" hunting camp/location.
I understand that this policy of ending the hunt on taking the Trophy is common, particularily in Europe, but I personally dissagree with this policy.
I also strongly dissagree with the policy of ending the hunt if the client misses more than three of the same species.
What complete garbage !
Any animal wounded, as per world wide standards, should be accounted for as a payable Trophy, but MISSED SHOTS !
Are they serious ???
I've been outfitting for over 10 years now with client representation from most European countries, U.S.A, Canada, Australia, N.Z, Africa and maybe some places I've forotten so I can cleary say I have seen my share of "varying" displays of firearms profficiency.
SO WHAT ! we all have varying degrees of profficiency, we all have good days and we all have bad days.
Ofcourse i'm dissapointed if a client misses a shot.
Yes, I begin to scratch my head if that same client misses another one, a day or two later, and yes if we're getting towards the end of the hunt and he misses a third, fourth or fifth you get towards "the end of your threads", but you get over it, and on with the job of getting that hunter his Trophy.
You check the gunsights and the shooter over the bench after the first miss and usually correct any hiccups or nerves with a relaxed bench session, not by ending his hunt.
To me, an outfit employs these kind of conditions have lost sight of the fact that it is the client's hunt/experience not theirs, they are there to provide the service and the experience.
There, I got it off my cheast ! :smoking: