During the 1700s-1800s, Great Britain colonized us (Asians & Africans) and controlled what we did in our own countries. They explicitly said that they knew what was better for us than we did. They officially stopped colonizing us between the 1940s-1960s. But we have gained independence from them only in name.
More than 60-80 years after “Giving us independence”, the British are STILL trying to decide what we do IN OUR COUNTRIES WITH OUR WILDLIFE. Now, they’re just singing a different song, claiming that they are speaking up for the “Innocent voiceless animals” in the name of “Wildlife conservation“. This is pure neocolonialism in it’s most blatant form.
The closest these spineless British M.Ps and tabloid journalists have ever gotten to seeing wildlife, is on “Discovery Channel“ or “Animal Planet“. Or a petting zoo, at most. They sit in their centrally heated, air conditioned offices wearing their tailored suits and play “Big Brother“ for other countries.
It was a British man named Guy Mountford who indirectly had tiger hunting banned all throughout Asia in 1972. The blood of all the hundreds of locals who lose their lives to the depredations of man eating Royal Bengal tigers every year, is on his hands.
Great Britain has become a woke leftist farce. A joke who shouldn’t even be treated by other countries with any degree of seriousness.