AH senior member
Hey guys the annual controlled hunt ( limited #s) is on this week at home Dec. 2-8. This hunt is a blackpowder/shotgun only, we all use slugs be them 12 or 20. We hunt deer by doing drives with anywhere from 5 to 10 guys depending on who is available. Yesterday we hunted 4 bushes with only 6 guys and even though there is still some standing corn we chased at least 10 deer killing 2 and 2 coyotes. The group is all neighbours and friends and is honestly my favourite hunt and i can still remember the first time i went when i was 9, lots of laughs all week. We had freezing rain on Sunday and got snow yesterday morning and a bit through the night. My truck is in the shop until today so im waiting on my friend to pick me up before we go look for tracks crossing the roads then head to the shop to meet up with the others and make a plan.