I have to comment here. There are Muslims who are good people. But this idea that Islam is a "peaceful" religion and that it's only a relative handful of radicals who are the problem is all part of a propaganda campaign. The fact of the matter is, poll after poll around the world has shown that huge numbers of Muslims believe that violence, including suicide bombings, are at least sometimes acceptable, IF it results in the advancement of Islam as the world religion.
I have a copy of the Koran, which I bought while serving in Iraq. I'm reading it... still not done, because I have to put it down and get away from it at times it's so disturbing. The take away I have from this is exactly what some of the Christian Iraqi (Assyrian) translators I worked with were telling me about the religion, its nature and how it came about. The more I read, the more I see exactly what they were talking about. And I have come to this conclusion.
Mohammed, far from being a man of peace, was a warrior. He has far more in common with the likes of Ghengis Khan, Atilla the Hun, Alexander the Great, Napolean....name your conqueror, than Jesus Christ. Read the Koran, and you can see a bipolar mind emerging. One moment Christians and Jews are "people of the book" and the next, with no reason given, they're enemies. It basically came down to, what "mood" was he in when that part was written.
The story line from the Assyrians was this... and I see it the more I read. His first wife, who everyone agrees was much older than him, was actually Christian, and NOT pagan as the Muslims claim. And she used to read to him from the bible. As I've read the Koran, I see this makes perfect sense, because he name drops characters from the bible, but without ever explaining who they are, as if one would already know. And while the Koran is mainly a set of instructions through which Mohammed tells people how to live, he'll make references to biblical stories, only in this case placing himself in the middle of the action. We've all heard how after his wife died he went up on the mountain to mourn, and that's when God spoke to him. Moses anyone? This happens a lot.
What also really concerns me is how he says Allah says this, and Allah demands that. But then he slips, in quite a number of cases in fact, and says "WE COMMAND YOU." He's placing himself in up as Allah.
There's lot of justification for violence, lying, etc., and one of my favorites. "You may beat your wife" if she's offended you, but not too badly.
Anyway, I could go on. But the point is, there's a huge number "several hundreds of millions" of Muslims around the world who have no problem with the concept of "jihad" as a violent struggle with non-Muslims. At this very moment there are conflicts going on in at least 16 countries in which it is Muslim extremists carrying out violence against non-Muslims -- these range from Indonesia, to Thailand, across Southwest Asian through Africa and the Middle East. And in all of them, it's the Muslims attacking non-Muslims for domination.
And any time some "offense" arises, like the Danish Cartoonist who drew a tasteless cartoon of Mohammed or someone writes a book or a filmmaker creates a documentary which is less than flattering to Islam, what do we see? Millions of Muslims around the world rise up in anger, burn the offenders in efigee and demand their heads.
What's amazing is they don't seem to see the irony in what they're doing. "You say Islam is a violent religion? HOW DARE YOU! THAT IS BLASPHEMY! DEATH TO THE INFIDEL!"
Like I said, most don't in any way see the irony in their violent response to being called violent. That single fact is what stuck in my mind most as I spent nearly a year in a Muslim country. There's nothing fringe about this mentality. It's pretty commonplace among them.