I know this is kind of left field however..... I have several BP rifles, DRs and Capeguns I hunt with but.....
Some time ago I picked one up. It was a very good steal, I mean deal so I just had to get it. It is what I refer to as a fun gun and I have been shooting patched ball in it. It appears though with the 1 in 18 twist (just discovered that) it might be better suited to conicals. I am aware of the concern over conicals in a double barrel.
I also decided some time ago that with 11"+ barrels and almost 18" OAL, it was a tad ungainly even for a fun gun. Enter a butt stock. Much easier to handle. More like a SBR or carbine.
Now for the real questions.
Has anyone actually hunted with this rig? If so, what are you shooting, patched ball or conical? If conicals, do they shoot better than the patched balls accuracy wise?
Anyway, I am going to experiment but thought I'd ask for the sage advise of others here.