AH elite
I was shooting my Beretta Silver Sable 9.3x74R O/U double rifle today and noticed that two out of five cartridge cases fired in the bottom barrel had pierced primers. A little soot on the outside surface and a tiny little hole right through. I have not had that problem with this rifle ( or any other rifle ) before. I have usually used Norma factory ammunition, or RWS, or handloads with Federal 215 or Remington 9-1/2M primers in this rifle. During todays shooting session I used Norma factory loads and handloads with Remington primers with no problems. The ammunition with pierced primers was factory loaded PPU. It was the first time I've shot that brand of ammunition in this rifle. The PPU ammunition shot accurately, seems to show normal case expansion, and regulates well in my double.
I have two questions:
In your experience, does PPU ammunition commonly show this defect ?
If I continue to shoot the ammunition, am I likely to damage my rifle or injure myself ?
I have two questions:
In your experience, does PPU ammunition commonly show this defect ?
If I continue to shoot the ammunition, am I likely to damage my rifle or injure myself ?