I have shot about 200 rounds of 6.5 creed with them and so far everything has gone bang. The groups opened up a bit from the CCI benchrest primers ( from 3/8 moa to 1/2) So far no complaints. But 200 rounds is a very small sample size.
You didn't specify what size primers. I can't comment on their rifle calre primers, except to note that they are a major NATO supplier which means they pass formal performances standards and testing.
I have used their small pistol primers in my Glock. Chronograph testing showed that the average velocity was within 2 fps of the same loads using CCI primers. Likewise the StDev was, for all intents and purposes, the same as for CCI. My Glock is a bit harsh on primers which is why I normaly use CCI. I find Winchester , Federal etc are a bit too soft. The Ginex primers showed the same primer indentation as for CCI. All in all I'm very happy with them. However, if I was using a target revolver with a light striking hammer then I think Ginex may be a bit too hard for reliable ignition ie perfect for a semi-auto or a service revolver, not so for a target tuned revolver.
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