Personally, I'm not particulay enamored with barrel band mounted sling. They hang too low. In thick cover my gun is typically off my shoulder so something hanging low isn't really necessary. In rough steep country where I am most likely to need my hands to retain balance, I don't want a rifle butt banging into my butt and thigh. For whatever reason (purely cosmetic it seems), the barrel band look is very popular for African guns. Admittedly, resale value is also a concern so I have thought about it. But attaching a barrel band would, as I understand it, require rebluing the rifle. Not interested in that. This used stock I just installed after restoring undoubtedly came off an African gun.
View attachment 601248
It only had one sling swivel on the butt. The fancy checkering almost runs to the fore end cap.
View attachment 601249Installing a sling swivel in the stock outside the checkering would still put it higher than I would like and would require some reinforcement in the barrel channel. So I'm kinda torn. Just exploring options.