My mistake, after discussing with Lon, I did not realize the Heym bolt action rifle has integral bases in the receiver. For that, Lon will need to file in the base to make it fit. Please do not file on a Heym rifle!
For all others rifles that use screw on Tally bases;
I used a hand file to remove the rear lug on a Tally front scope ring base.
My Trijicon RM58 mount for 14-16mm ribs attaches to the modified Tally base.
Antique hand vise worth it's weight in gold!
Similar front Tally base unmodified, and modified (filed) base.
Obviously I am not a machinist or gunsmith...
The "USMC Field Expedient Solution" is better than no solution. Improvise and overcome!
This isn’t perfectly centered but should function with the dot on target!
I called Tally to ask if they would machine off the rear lug on customers' order.
Tally declined as to much time for individual orders...
Tally informed me that they have a "solution" or new produce in development to mount the Trijicon RMR/SRO micro dots, and the Aimpoint Micro T1/T2 dots to Tally bases. Tally apologized that they could not specify how long if will be until that product is available.
Until then, get our your files and try to do a better job than I did!