Tubby’s Canteen
AH elite
Good afternoon gentleman, I have a question which I'm sure has been answered many times but I'm going to ask it anyways.
I am looking to purchase a reloading press , their is only one store that sells reloading equipment in the area so my options are limited. The gentleman who owns the store deals with two different brands of reloaders one being magtech the other being lee.
The magtech press and dies is about half the money of the lee press and dies.
I only am looking to reload one caliber. So additional dies is not a concern. Is the quality of the lee press superior enough to that of the magtech press to justify the additional expense?
Could a magtech press be relied apon to reload aprox. 100 rounds of 45-70 a year. Year after year?
any advice you gentleman could provide would be greatly appreciated. To this point I've always used factory ammunition and would of continued to do so if not for the cost. A box of hornedy 325 grain is closeing in on 75$ a box.
I am looking to purchase a reloading press , their is only one store that sells reloading equipment in the area so my options are limited. The gentleman who owns the store deals with two different brands of reloaders one being magtech the other being lee.
The magtech press and dies is about half the money of the lee press and dies.
I only am looking to reload one caliber. So additional dies is not a concern. Is the quality of the lee press superior enough to that of the magtech press to justify the additional expense?
Could a magtech press be relied apon to reload aprox. 100 rounds of 45-70 a year. Year after year?
any advice you gentleman could provide would be greatly appreciated. To this point I've always used factory ammunition and would of continued to do so if not for the cost. A box of hornedy 325 grain is closeing in on 75$ a box.