Now that's an idea, I have been getting plenty of practice with one shooting bloody cockies. Avareging about 50 rounds a week. Should be good enough for a bull ele hunt.
This gets poignant when you realize that in New Zealand "Cockies" refers to farmers...
Gentlemen, I am about to show my ignorance here, but, I have to ask which is going to have the best stopping power (i.e. Cape Buffalo charge)? Would it be 36 gr. hollow point or the 40 gr. copper plated round nose that James is suggesting? I have never hunted Cape Buffalo before, however it is a goal of mine, I just wanna be prepared...
Well are we talking about shooting .22 short, long rifle or a man's rifle the .22 magnum? Damn hard to answer your question until we have all the info. :geek:
It would have to be the long rifle, guess I'm not use to the recoil of the mag yet (still working on it). Anyway, any help on this topic would be appreciated. I plan on taking a ruger 77/22, with a fixed 4 power, it's a Leupold and i hope it's enough scope as well.
You mean you're not going to use a 10/22 with 50 round banana clip? :nailbiter:
It's good to have a second shot!
Okay Phil, now this thread is just getting goofy, you know you can't hunt in Africa with a semi auto. That's just crazy talk, a 10/22??? really ???? I'm looking at doubles now, if I can't find one at a reasonalbe price then I will stick to the original plan, 77-22.
Here is a sad story related to this thread.
Some years ago I was hunting moose in an area near Geraldton, Ontario Canada. The resort owner showed me a photo of a huge bull moose he had shot with a .22 caliber rifle when he was a young man. He told the story how he was running a trap-line and hunting ruffled grouse when he met this big bull on the trail. Without a thought he started shooting at the front leg knee's until the bull went down. He then started shooting at the bulls eye's until the bull succumbed. His justification was, back then, it was legal to hunt moose with any weapon. I was dumb-founded as he bluntly and willingly told the story seemingly without remorse. Atrocious.