Round Chambered…or Not?


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AH enthusiast
Oct 22, 2023
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SE Texas
My perception from reading various AH posts is that PHs require the client to carry their firearm unchambered on tracks, or at least from the track outset? I’m interested in hearing how a “routine” track might progress for buff, specifically, with regard to at what point the client is instructed to load?
I go by what my PH tells me. I have not hunted Buff on the last trip, but tracking PG I load if he says its ok. Consequently if talking permits I give the status of my 3 position safety. When done shooting and heading to the truck I always show "clear". just a habit from some venues I do where everybody is "hot " on the line, both handguns and carbines. My PH has trust in me and said he would be happy to take me out for Buff next year.
I do what my PH tells me to do, but on tracks I’ve always carried my rifle with round in the chamber so far. If we are just going to glass, the magazine is full and chamber empty. If we spotted an animal from the truck, it has depended on the situation whether I load then or wait. Showing good general gun safety and showing your PH your rifle is unloaded every time you get back to vehicle will instill better confidence. I think most PHs are good judges of their clients.
Round chambered off the truck and unloaded before getting back on the truck, but of course if the PH wanted it different I would comply. Just a habit but I always drop the firing pin when closing the bolt on an empty gun.
No way in hell I’m hunting with an unloaded rifle. Demonstrate you know how to handle your weapon when at the range with your PH and at all times practice muzzle control. I try to make sure he sees me load and set the safety when we set out from the truck, and try to always be sure he sees me unload and check the chamber with the pinkie when returning. Not painting anyone with “Africa carry” either.
As others have said I do what my PH wants. Out of 4 safaris it’s been 3 chambered off the truck and 1 chamber empty until close to the animal.
I too have always hunted with a loaded chamber and rifle on safe, or uncocked if it is one of my Blasers. If on a pure plains game hunt, I suppose I would hunt with an unloaded chamber if the PH demanded it (has never happened), but I simply will not hunt in a DG area with an unloaded rifle.

Most PHs in my experience can tell in the first 7 seconds or so whether his client is experienced and safety conscious with his firearm.
my experience has been "it depends"....

in situations where we have spotted something, and closed the gap with the vehicle.. typically theres a quick gear check when dismounting (got everything you need to stalk? gun, ammo, rangefinder, or whatever else it is you want with you?).. and then chamber just before starting a stalk.. (typically a few hundred yards or less..

there have been times we have dismounted though for the purpose of doing a very long stalk (several hundred yards) through really thick stuff.. or just decided we're going to walk around for an hour or more to see what we can find... in those circumstances we typically leave the chamber cold until we get fairly close to somewhere we think there might be an animal present (water hole, edging up on a large field, etc..etc..) and then chamber a round in the last few yards before we get to the destination..

all of the above applies to PG, specifically in SA.... when I have hunted in other places the PH/Guide has asked for a loaded chamber at the beginning of the day, and the rifle was then unloaded at the end of the day (if a shot was not taken at some point)... and for DG, I concur with @Red Leg ... if Im stepping out on foot, a round is going in the chamber..
Whatever the PH says. I've only been on 3 safaris and of those 3 it was put one in the chamber when we get off the truck.
My perception from reading various AH posts is that PHs require the client to carry their firearm unchambered on tracks, or at least from the track outset? I’m interested in hearing how a “routine” track might progress for buff, specifically, with regard to at what point the client is instructed to load?
Three safaris in Africa done, and numerous hunts at my homeland, and nobody ever told me to carry a rifle, with empty chamber.
That being said, I dont feel good with chambered round in other situations then hunting. When I get in the truck, I keep rifle loaded with empty chamber. But that is my approach, nobody told me to do like that
Sounds like most guys here undestand and practise good rifle safety routines. Whatever the usual standard is I think it most important that both PH and client both communicate and demonstrate firearms status on the track and / or on the truck. I generally agree the client should follow the PH's directives but shouldn't be hesitatnt to discuss possible alternatives in the right circumstances. Above all the client must remember the PH and his team place much faith in the clients safe conduct with his rifle. They already have enough to worry about without the added concern of an uncontrolled rifle in their midst.
Good info…thanks y’all. Of course I will comply with the PH’s requests but was hoping to hear a consensus of PHs ok with load off the truck. I’ve never hunted stateside any other way.
Pure conjecture on my part, but I’m thinking that if a PH requests you leave the chamber empty, most of the time he has watched you handle your rifle, and it ain’t giving him warm fuzzies. I could be wrong.

:cool: Nope.
Pure conjecture on my part, but I’m thinking that if a PH requests you leave the chamber empty, most of the time he has watched you handle your rifle, and it ain’t giving him warm fuzzies. I could be wrong.

:cool: Nope.
I agree with this, IMO the site in session at the beginning of a safari is more for the PH to see if you know how to handle a rifle as much as it is to see if the rifle is on zero.
The one time I carried no round in the chamber, this was established on the way from the airport to the concession but by about halfway through the safari it was “load up” as we dismounted the truck.
Two African safaris, it seems to depend on the PH. With one PH, the rifle was loaded-magazine/empty chamber until we had identified our quarry and were on an active stalk. The other PH had me load as soon as we dismounted from the vehicle. Cartridge was removed from the chamber as soon as we returned to the vehicle, although that's my habit already.

I have a question for those who have safaried with lever-action rifles though. As I've mentioned elsewhere on this site, a good friend intends to go on safari with a lever-action Winchester. Given the mechanics of the firearm, how was this handled upon returning to the vehicle?
Two African safaris, it seems to depend on the PH. With one PH, the rifle was loaded-magazine/empty chamber until we had identified our quarry and were on an active stalk. The other PH had me load as soon as we dismounted from the vehicle. Cartridge was removed from the chamber as soon as we returned to the vehicle, although that's my habit already.

I have a question for those who have safaried with lever-action rifles though. As I've mentioned elsewhere on this site, a good friend intends to go on safari with a lever-action Winchester. Given the mechanics of the firearm, how was this handled upon returning to the vehicle?
Good question for @Tundra Tiger
2 trips over... 3 different lever action rifles: 2 Marlins and a Savage 99.

Both of my PHs had me carry with an empty chamber until we were close to being in a shooting situation. I was instructed on when to chamber a round and when to clear it. It was checked by both me and the PH upon loading the rifle back on the vehicle.

Honestly? As an AK Hunter Ed instructor and also how I hunt up here, it pretty much followed when I would have decided to chamber a round, left to my own devices.
I rarely use a sling. The rifle is always in one hand or the other. I suggest learning how to carry said rifle safely and how to switch hands without sweeping the backs of the PH and trackers in front of you.

Just one more mental and muscle memory habit that requires regular practice.
My perception from reading various AH posts is that PHs require the client to carry their firearm unchambered on tracks, or at least from the track outset? I’m interested in hearing how a “routine” track might progress for buff, specifically, with regard to at what point the client is instructed to load?
@Papa72 - I had “Round Chambered” at all times for 10 day during Buff hunt in TZ.
When hunting alone, my gun is typically loaded. And I typically hunt alone except in Africa. When I'm forced to hunt with someone else, I usually keep my rifle chamber empty until the final stalk. That is common courtesy. When bird hunting, there's always a round in the chamber. But again, I'm almost always hunting birds solo or at least not in any close proximity to other hunters (I do not group hunt out of a blind ... not my thing ... at all).

The Buhler style striker safety on my Springfield is too easily disengaged when the scope is quick detached. Then the chamber is empty even if I'm hunting alone. I plan to change to 3-position Model 70 style safety this summer.

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