Extreme Predator
New member
new to this Site, but been Bowhunting since 1956.
My 5th trip to will be August 12-24 , 2012, and need one more, Rifle or Bw for the RMEF Auciton hunt ( Active Topic ) at only $100 per day , 10 hunt days
Lifetime RMEF
Lifetime SCI
SCi Measurer
Former Land developer now in Semi Retirement bowhunting the Western US and
Booking Hunts for Four Advetures for Asia ( our Own Marco Polo operation)
Africa ( rifle and Bow)
Birds & Waterfowl 34 total Outfitters with Customiazed Hunts
owned by former SCI Record Book Director.
Also RE broker for Ranch lands and Corporate Retreats .
Realty 1031 Sales - Home Page into Bow Harvests and Photo Section
My 5th trip to will be August 12-24 , 2012, and need one more, Rifle or Bw for the RMEF Auciton hunt ( Active Topic ) at only $100 per day , 10 hunt days
Lifetime RMEF
Lifetime SCI
SCi Measurer
Former Land developer now in Semi Retirement bowhunting the Western US and
Booking Hunts for Four Advetures for Asia ( our Own Marco Polo operation)
Africa ( rifle and Bow)
Birds & Waterfowl 34 total Outfitters with Customiazed Hunts
owned by former SCI Record Book Director.
Also RE broker for Ranch lands and Corporate Retreats .
Realty 1031 Sales - Home Page into Bow Harvests and Photo Section