Question for those with experience using an optic for Cape buffalo.
If the buff is in a relatively open area and the shot is 100 yards, to what power should the scope be set? Turning it up will make shot placement easier, but if it decides to run at the hunter, then starting off low even at 1x would seem preferable as there might not be time to turn it down. This makes me wonder if a red dot is a better option over a scope even for a relatively longer distance shot?
If the buff is in a relatively open area and the shot is 100 yards, to what power should the scope be set? Turning it up will make shot placement easier, but if it decides to run at the hunter, then starting off low even at 1x would seem preferable as there might not be time to turn it down. This makes me wonder if a red dot is a better option over a scope even for a relatively longer distance shot?