Tarawa... anything to protect you from snakes is a good invention in my opinion. But that is because i simply do not like snakes as they make my skin tingle and have ruined many a hunt for me. I have nothing against them, but there is something about them that does not agree with me. Thanks to my trackers, we make wide circles around snakes, or they never alert me of one if it poses no danger to our hunting party. There are many out here but over so many years of hunting, i have had only two close calls and none of my boys or guests have even been bit. I myself walk barefoot sometimes and mostly wear shorts with low-cut shoes, but i recommend anything that makes you feel safer. Please post a picture of your shoes. I remember having most of my snake encounters while in college in Florida. They always hung around the lake and we loved to fish, swim and jet-ski in it. Every summer there used to be a drive organised by the school to shoot as many as possible just to make it safe for the students as the snakes would make their way into the dorms many times. I offered to help with the shooting but was never allowed to