It may not be a false accusation, it may be completly true, but it is kind of strange that Gobble makes one post and disapears. We had a similar post from a fellow last year about this time trashing Fulton Safaris. A lot of folks were quick to condemn Vaughan and his outfit. It turned out to be not true or greatly exagerated. One of his biggest complaints was lack of buffalo. Turns out this is a tough area to hunt and this hunter was unwilling to put in the effort and in fact did not even hunt on some days. Incidentally, two AfricaHunting members hunted there shortly after this fellow and loved it. Infact I saw 75 buffalo the first morning of the hunt, but it wasn't easy to get to where they were.
If what Gobble said is true I would help him spread the word. But in the end he has not given enough information to make an informed decision. As for reasons for posting false accusations, who knows. Maybe it was his first trip and he expected game to flow by like something on a nature show. Maybe he was bowhunting water holes during rain. Or maybe everything he said is true.