Emirates it is. Looking forward to getting to Africa.
@Ridgewalker has been instrumental in getting me into shooting form.
Nothing like having a drill instructor run you thru senerios of hunting Cape buffalo.
Imagine doing that in Colorado! I’m calling Ridgewalker my Colorado PH.
After 2 surgeries one for a detached retina and second big spine surgery involving my cervical spine and weakness I was unsure if this trip would even be possible.
But great surgeons and being tenacious on my end, along with a physical therapist that worked me hard, is making this dream come true.
Along with a very supportive wife.
My grandson says papa has a robot neck, as he has seen all X-ray and MRI.
Believe me I’m setting off metal detectors 50 feet away.
Can’t wait till he’s old enough to come along with.
This trip involves 2 parts. First our hunt with Zeekoepan Safari just on border of Swaziland, Main animals Cape buffalo, zebra warthog and ???
Second part of trip is touring with a PH and his fiancée that we met last time in Africa and hunted PG in 2016.
Chris from Zungah Safaris is going to tour us around and it’s all up to him on the route.
I just told him you know things we enjoy just plan a surprise trip.
Next stop Dubai.
Then to Johannesburg.
Oh beware, South Africa express has grounded flights. So we are making last minute adjustments
In travel plans. Check back in tomorrow I guess......