Forgot to mention...
-Riding Lions. I recently read White Hunters: The Golden Age of African Safaris by Brian Herne. In it, he describes the practice of lion riding in British East Africa.
"Over the next few years Arthur became a noted lion hunter and a practitioner of the British East African sport of "riding lions," the comparatively new and exceedingly dangerous method of hunting being practiced by the more daring white hunters of the early 1900s. Lion hunting was considered not only a sport but a necessity in the territory to protect livestock. In those early days lions were often hunted at night over kills using bait, or miserably poisoned or trapped. Such lowly methods were legal, but regarded with contempt by any self-respecting hunter.
Riding lions was considered a far more sporting method. Count Wickenburg, who rode lions before nearly being killed by one in Somaliland, was probably the first proponent of the pastime. The unwritten rules for riding lions required that lions be pursued on horseback. When the lion either turned at bay, or otherwise offered a shot, the hunter was supposed to dismount- the ideal range was variously reckoned at between forty and sixty yards- and shoot before the big cat either ran away or charged. Yet the rules- and the advice- were flexible, and not always easy to follow. The sport resulted in numerous maulings and fatalities among its more reckless practitioners."
I don't think you can hunt like this anymore!
Here's a link to the book in case you're interested. Its quite good.