I fully understand the pressure that is placed on your operation to meet all your clients expectations (not always realistic). I also understand (and respect) the game farm industry, for it has dome some pretty remarkable things for African wild life (Rhino) and is the largest in the World at present. My observations and comments are purely from a presentation point of view, and in no way am I suggesting how you should run your operation nor the ethics behind it. Even though my own hunting experience is limited to a single safari, that in it self has shown me a little of what goes into conducting a successful safari. I have nothing but respect for all the PH/outfitters as no doubt they have to put up with a lot from clients that are not always as educated about hunting as they should be. The old motto, just because you can afford to, doesn't mean you should comes to mind.
I wish you and your company nothing but success now and in the future, especially considering the crazy world we live in.