Ok I think it great everyone wants to take a great old mature animal. The question was what is considered trophy size for some of the animals he listed. If someone wants to hunt and go for a certain size he is free to do so as he is paying to do so.
Nothing wrong with going in to the hunt with a plan and a goal of a size you would like to go for. Must never put the tape on there animals but it maybe the way he wants to try and judge his animals by.
That is the kicker Billc it's different for every hunter, as far as paying to do so and thereby one can stipulate size....
Well....there are allot of conservation minded ph's and hunters out there that would disagree with that train of thought, I do not go to the doctor, pay him and tell him what is wrong with me.
If we follow the pay and pick route we will be having regulations put in place the same as lion and leopard (min harvest age) on other species.
Matetsi's Sable population, and mean average took a nose dive due to size harvesting, in most African countries (excluding SA) bottom jaws are sent to parks or Natcon for ageing if it is found that a operator is harvesting on the young side his quota will be cut.
Post prime Maturity is the single most important factor in "trophy"judgement IMO.
With this being said there is a wealth of record books providing such numbers, I believe Brickburn listed them right at the beginning of the thread.
I should personally thank him for the 40" Gemsbuck bull one...
All the other numbers are quite easily reached with the correct management in an area
My best always