I'm sure this has been discussed at length but I didn't see anything that answered it together. I'll be headed to SA for a plains game hunt for 7 animals. I will Not be shooting any swine or primates.
My current list is:
I may add one or two of the following if the chance presents itself:
OK so here are the plans for the trophies
KUDU and GEMSBUCK would be pedestal mounted together. (if I happen to take a NYALA or SABLE then it would be with them)
ZEBRA I wish to have mounted in the 3D form in the shape of Africa. (I will attach photos for understanding later)
ALL others will be just skull mounts.
So with that what is my best option for Dip and Pack and taxidermy. The skulls are obvious as they will come home that way but I think Dip and Pac has to get shipped separate from them? For the three or four that will be mounted in any fashion should I have them dipped and packed and shipped or have them tanned in SA or full mounted in SA. I consistently hear "don't get Taxidermy done in Africa" so I am leaning on dip and pack but also have heard of tanning in SA. Have heard tanning there is not the same though.
Do the skulls get shipped straight to me or do they go somewhere else first?...again no swine or primates.
Dip and pack is separate from the skulls correct?
Dip and Packed gets shipped to where? What do I need to know about this before I go over there?
What happens with the horns from the 2 or 3 I am having dipped or tanned? can they come home in the crate with the skulls?
Is tanning in SA a better option than dipping as I think they can get shipped with the skulls?
I assume the US taxidermist is what most will recommend and not sure the SA ones will do the African shaped zebra I wish to have done so it may be a mute point.
I'm in NE Indiana so if I have a US taxidermist do it I would like someone fairly close to complete them. One who has done African animals before. Any recommendations for me?
What else am I missing?
I want to have my mind set before I go in May, 2024. So I don't have to think too hard about it there.
Thanks in advance for any advise you all may have.
My current list is:
I may add one or two of the following if the chance presents itself:
OK so here are the plans for the trophies
KUDU and GEMSBUCK would be pedestal mounted together. (if I happen to take a NYALA or SABLE then it would be with them)
ZEBRA I wish to have mounted in the 3D form in the shape of Africa. (I will attach photos for understanding later)
ALL others will be just skull mounts.
So with that what is my best option for Dip and Pack and taxidermy. The skulls are obvious as they will come home that way but I think Dip and Pac has to get shipped separate from them? For the three or four that will be mounted in any fashion should I have them dipped and packed and shipped or have them tanned in SA or full mounted in SA. I consistently hear "don't get Taxidermy done in Africa" so I am leaning on dip and pack but also have heard of tanning in SA. Have heard tanning there is not the same though.
Do the skulls get shipped straight to me or do they go somewhere else first?...again no swine or primates.
Dip and pack is separate from the skulls correct?
Dip and Packed gets shipped to where? What do I need to know about this before I go over there?
What happens with the horns from the 2 or 3 I am having dipped or tanned? can they come home in the crate with the skulls?
Is tanning in SA a better option than dipping as I think they can get shipped with the skulls?
I assume the US taxidermist is what most will recommend and not sure the SA ones will do the African shaped zebra I wish to have done so it may be a mute point.
I'm in NE Indiana so if I have a US taxidermist do it I would like someone fairly close to complete them. One who has done African animals before. Any recommendations for me?
What else am I missing?
I want to have my mind set before I go in May, 2024. So I don't have to think too hard about it there.
Thanks in advance for any advise you all may have.